SIPS . . . SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL WINERIES Wineries Get Creative to Survive CoronaVirus Quarantine .JPG) .jpg)
Central Coast Wineries, as well as other California wine areas of renown, struggle and juggle to survive during CoronaVirus Quarantine. Every winemaker on the Central Coast has been affected by the quarantine imposed in March which closed their wine tasting and winery rooms. Many have created new ways to keep their business' going including online tastings, delivery service, curb pick-ups and special discounts to club members. .JPG)
Among the Santa Barbara winemakers creating campaigns to keep the doors open are Margerum Wine Company and Brander Wines along with a bevy of wineries up and down the Central Coast and Santa Ynez Valley. A recent viral wine tasting online by winemaker Doug Margerum, owner of Margerum Wine Company, proved to attract a large group willing to order a bundle in advance and participate with Doug online to taste and learn about the three wines included in the bundle which were their Riviera Rose and 2 M5 signarure wines. I personally so enjoyed the information Doug Margerum shared with viewers and learned a great deal about his wine making process and the history of his wines. Jordan Winery released some great new wines in celebration of their anniversary and continue to be one of the most popular wines in the Sonoma area. They are also using the internet to continue communications with their elite wine club members and are offering unique chef recipes for pairing online. If you have wineries in your area that have been good to you over the years - or specific wines you have come to love - be good to them now. Go online and order wine. Pay forward to keep these great winemakers strong through this crisis. BC