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PUBLISHER’S NOTE .   .   . August 2023

Letter from the Publisher

August 2023

Dear Life Bites Readers,

Very hot weather everywhere it seems. Stay hydraited and relaxed to insure your good health. People are traveling like crazy and trying to catch up on what they may think they lost during past few years.

LBN Chef/Hotel feature for this month is on the Coral Casino, across the street from the closed Four Seasons The Biltmore in Montecito. Chef Thomas Keller is taking over the Casino F&B and it will be open to the public!

Wine events and food festivals are back, but being done cautiously due to a new strain of virus that has popped up. Coastal wineries have some great events on their calendar.

We have new book updates in BookBites and some new items in the gift guide. Helpful news and advice in Kids K and Teen Times, along with coverage of the darling flamenco dancers in Old Spanish Days events. Great stories on kids being honored by Sister Cities Interntional this month. 

Look for LifeBitesNews videos on Youtube.

The weather has been too hot and If you live near the water take advantage of this time...go for a walk near the water to relax and shake off your post pandemic stress. Hotels along the Central Coast are providing rooms for all the people taking auto vacations this summer, and check out the higher rates being charged by car rental companies in your area before renting a car. Keeping it simple right now is paramount to staying calm. We made it through the pandemic....God Bless America!

Jack Harwood, son of Dacia and Rielly Harwood, selected Spirit 2023 of Old Spanish Days Fiesta. Photo of Jack perfoming at Fiesta Dinner 2023 at Santa Barbara Historical Museum.

See upcoming Feature Story on Santa Barbara Historical Museum.


Enjoy the online coverage of special events along the Central California Coast and throughout the country. Check out nice wine news from my local favorites in SIPS and delicious moxtails to savor. Kudos and thank you to FoodBank of Santa Barbara and all the charities who have served to help those in need during the past year.

Pray for peace and I hope you all will join me in remembering our soldiers who are fighting in other countries, and pray for their safe return to their families. God Bless the people of Ukraine and help them. May the great spirit of our Nation reign now and forever, and may our citizens find hope and prosperity thenselves and for their families. 


Bonnie Carroll 

Bonnie Carroll

These are my photos of recipe I made following these directions. Mangia  Bene!
Frittata di Fiori di Zucca
Squash Flower Omelette
  • 6 organic eggs
  • Splash of milk, I use coconut - rice milk
  • 1 small zucchini, grated
  • 12 large squash flours
  • A handful of chopped chives
  • Sea salt and pepper to taste, I use gomasio instead of salt
  • Extra virgin olive oil
Rinse squash flowers well, remove the outside points and inside piston. Clean well and tear in quarters.
Crack the eggs open into a bowl, add a small splash of your choice of milk and a light swirl of olive oil. Whip slightly. Add the flowers and grated squash, then the chives. Add salt and pepper to taste. Stir well.  Meanwhile, oil an omelet pan with a generous swirl of extra virgin olive oil and swirl it around so it covers the bottom of the pan. Place the pan on a very low heat. Move the pan so that the oil covers its entire bottom.  
Add the whipped egg mixture and let cook on a very very low heat for up to 45 minutes without stirring. Keep an eye on the edges of the omelette. When brown, flip the omlett on a plate and put the top side down into the pan. Let cook for another minute. Flip the pan back onto a clean plate, and serve with artisan homemade bread.
Recipe from Loren CookingVacations.com.
WHO WE ARE . . . 

LBN Staff

Bonnie Carroll, Publisher/Editor


Rosalie Frances, Contributor, tolifebites.com

Mary Hilton, Content Contributor/Marketing Director


Cody Chandler, Teen Times Columnist


Mike OConnell, Photo/Video Director/Contributor


Isabella D'Angelo, Rome Correspondent


Natasha Melikoff, Montreal Correspondent

Additional contributing writers are included on an individual issue basis. Please contact the editor with questions regarding journalist assignments. Email: writebc@aol.com

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© 2008 Bonnie Carroll, All Rights Reserved