November 2017 LETTER FROM THE PUBLISHER Happy Thanksgiving! 
Dear Life Bites News Readers, Happy Thanksgiving! This issue includes more stories on Viking River Cruising fun in Germany, Austria and Hungary. We share some hotel adventures on the Central Coast, including the new Hotel Californian that opened in October, and restaurant news with renowned area chefs. Still waiting to wear my Roma Boots if it ever rains - we need rain! Culinary Coup has some wonderful holiday recipes and our gift guide offerd some great holiday gift items. Check out the chocolate delights being created by Jean Michel of Chocolate du CaliBressan on the California Riviera.

Jean Michel & Jill-Marie Carre, Chocolat du CaliBressan Wonderful holiday entertainment events will be knocking, and Hollywood news is ongoing at Life Bites News. We will be covering Golden Globes, Oscars, and always The Santa Barbara International Film Festival. Please enjoy a story on the new Santa Barbara Ridley-Tree Cancer Center in our Health Section. Read about the new Riviera Theatre opening in Santa Barbara that will serve as the new home for the SBIFF.
AIRFRANCE TO EUROPE Entertainment news and fun film tips are seen in TTT - AFI film festival schedule, opening of Santa Barbara Symphony Season at the Granada Theatre, and upcoming holiday events. We are running travel news on holiday trips being offered throughout the world, and assisting our tourism and travel friends with their promotions during the holidays. Many airlines including Air France, Alaska Air and Air Berlin are offering some great ticket deals. Use the tourism board offices for helpful information; we have them listed on our links and archive page. BookBites is full of great reads and fine art news. We will be putting up great book gift ideas for the holidays. Look for holiday adventures in the arts throughout the country.  The Granada Theatre, Santa Barbara See tips for special offers traveling home for fall and winter holidays to colder climates, which is the place to be if you love the turning leaves and the falling snow. Holiday luggage gift ideas in our gift guide section are worth a peek. Culinary Coup covers exciting venues and tastes from around the world, and coverage of exciting charitable events.
Below is a great quick turkey gravy from Mc Cormick, and a fantastic Texas style chili for hungry football fans. I've also included my Ciao Bella Chili, that won 4th place at the Beverly Hills Chili cook-off.
Wishing Cody Chandler Hilton and Joey Tanny very happy November Birthday's! I love you both and hope you have a joyful day.
Please don't forget to keep praying for our men and women fighting in foriegn lands, especially during the holiday season. Pray they all come home safely, or for a family visit during the holidays. Pray for Peace!
Thanks for stopping by and Happy Thanksgiving!
Bonnie Carroll Publisher/Editor
WHO WE ARE . . . LBN Staff 2017 Bonnie Carroll, Publisher/Editor Rosalie Frances, Contributor, Mary Hilton, Content Contributor/Marketing Director
Cody Chandler, Teen Times Columnist Natasha Melikoff, Canadian Reporter Mike OConnell, Photo/Video Director/Contributor Isabella D'Angelo, Rome Correspondent Additional contributing writers are included on an individual issue basis. Please contact the editor with questions regarding journalist assignments. Email: LBN Offices 2115 De La Vina Street, Ste 31 Santa Barbara, CA 93105 805-845-9976 Email contact preferred please