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"Beauty is how you feel inside, and it reflects in your eyes. It is not something physical." Sophia Loren


December 2010       

hollyMerry Christmas & Happy New Yearholly Bonnie Carroll

Dear Life Bites Readers,

We wish you a Merry Christmas.. We have some great traditional recipes and fun travel destinations for December. Sense of Style is packed with cultural destinations and events to enjoy as during the holidays, including coverage of the gala opening of the Santa Barbara Opera season. Look for holiday book in Book Bites to inspire you with easy and delicious recipes. Coverage of the Santa Barbara International Film Festival Kirk Douglas award to Harrison Ford at the Casino will please you. 

The New Shangri-La Hotel, a historic jewel in Paris is our features Chef/Hotel for December, also see story in Culinary Coup on the newly opened Royce restaurant. Health minded has some helpful information for good health during this time of year, with tips from Dr. Oz.

Upcoming travel sections will provide helpful suggestions for families planning holiday vacations, from economical to outrageous, and from snow bound to beaches. Tinsel Town Tidbits includes some great entertainment news, with updates on the Santa Barbara International Film Festival opening January 27.

I hope you will join us in remembering our soldiers fighting in foreign lands and pray for their safe return to their families. God bless them, and God bless America in these challenging times. May the flag of freedom fly now and forever. Please pray for peace.

Merry Christmas to you, your family and dear friends. Congratulations Notre Dame--I've waited a long time to see you conquer USC-- Love you Irish!


Bonnie Carroll 

Bonnie Carroll


 Plan Ahead. For every event we produce we establish a master agenda and a calendar. Begin your planning early and make sure you have enough time to everything done on time.

  1. Budget. List every possible item you may need and project the costs. Figure out where you can afford to splurge and where you must cut back. At the end of the event, you can compare your actual costs to the projected and see where you saved.
  2. Plan for the masses. Whatever you thought to order for food and drinks, double it. This is a time for all of your friends to come together so you have to accommodate everyone, have options!
  3. Music. Music will keep the party going so make sure you have a DJ who knows how to control a room or asks friends for song suggestions and comprise a playlist on your iPod.
  4. Have fun! Remember, you’re planning a party! If the decorations don’t show or you run out of hors d'oeuvres – you’re surrounded by your friends, colleagues, family – they’re all drinking and dancing and most likely haven’t noticed.

Ideas from Jon Gabel, the CEO of Joonbug.com


WHO WE ARE . . .  

LBN Staff 2010

Bonnie Carroll, Publisher/Editor


Rosalie Frances, Contributor, tolifebites.com

Mary Hilton, Content Contributor/Marketing Director


Cody Chandler, Teen Times Columnist


Natasha Melikoff, Montreal Reporter


Mike O’Connell, Photo/Video Director/Contributor


Isabella D'Angelo, Rome Correspondent


Jeanne Bacci, Equestrian Editor, Tolifebirtes.com


Additional contributing writers are included on an individual issue basis. Please contact the editor with questions regarding journalist assignments. Email: tolifebites@aol.com

LBN Offices

2115 De La Vina Street, Ste 31

Santa Barbara, CA 93105


Email  contact preferred please




BEST OF 2009

Best International Chef

Kevin Thornton
Thornton’s, Dublin, Ireland

Best American Restaurateur

Joachim Splichal, Patina Group

Best Sustainable Chef

Nancy Oaks, California

Best Bed & Breakfast

Cheshire Cat, Santa Barbara

Best New Spa

Montage Hotel, Beverly Hills

Best Film


Best Kid’s Film





Best Wine Bar

THE Garden,  Four Seasons NY

Best New Beach Hotel

Shangri-LA, Santa Monica

Best US Green Hotel

Hilton Hotel New York City


Best Caribbean Resort


Blue Waters, Antigua

Best Scenic Views

Le Meridien, Rimini, Italy

Best Sunday Brunch

Four Seasons, Beverly Hills

Best Int’l Vacation Hotel

Villa d’Este, Como, Italy

Best Historic Site

Statue of Liberty, NY

Best Business Hotel

W Hotel, New York

Best American Family


Catalina Island, California

Best Winter Escape

Santa Fe, New Mexico

Best Island Adventure


Best International Flight

AIR Canada  LAX to Montreal

Best US Flight

JetBlue    Burbank to JFK

Best New Book

The Olives Table, English

Best Epicurean Event

Wolfgang Puck & Barbara Lazoroff  American Wine & Food Festival

Best Way to see Europe


Best Restaurant & View

Rock Café, Rockefeller Center





Be sure to watch archived radio/video clips of travel team reporteing on KZSB 1290 AM

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© 2008 Bonnie Carroll, All Rights Reserved