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"An aim in life is the only fortune worth finding." Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis, (1929-1924) American Former First Lady and editor.Bonnie Carroll


August 2012      


See Travel Page for London Olympic Stories!  

Dear Life Bites Readers,

This month we have some great travel recaps on the London Olympics, my personal favorite Olympic President overview, specifics on venerable venues celebrating 100 years, coverage of the fantastic Gustav Klimt Exhibition at the Getty Museum in Los Angeles from the keen eye and artistic passion of Senior Curator of Drawings Lee Hendrix, an Austrian inspired lunch with the Vienna Tourist Board and lots more!

Our report on the Santa Barbara International Film Festival  "Annual Silver Screen Bash" at the QAD in Summerland includes peeps of the fun food & auction action. Culinary coup has some great chef news and recipes for summer, and BookBites is filled with interesting reads to take along on your summer vacation.

Wine events and food festivals are in full swing throughout California and the nation and we have news for our grape lovers in Sips. See new updates  from Cody Hilton in Teen Times.  Our Sense of Style features art, design and music news.

The harbor's are brimming with beautiful yachts and the ocean is crawling with surfers waiting to catch a wave. If you live near the water take advantage of this time...go for a sail boat ride or just enjoy a dinner while watching the waves break. Water is healing and we all need to feel its peace. Try a whale watching cruise in Santa Barbara or go fishing from a pier.

The Fund for Santa Barbara is busy preparing for "Bread & Roses" dinner and auction on September 17, 2012 at the QAD Headquarters in Summerland. For tickets and information visit www.fundforsantabarbara.org or call 962-9164.

I hope you all will join me in remembering our soldiers who are fighting in other countries, and pray for their safe return to their families. God bless them, and God bless America in these difficult times; may the spirit of our Nation reign now and forever, and may our citizens here at home find more prosperous times ahead for their families. Study the candidates for our next election and vote for the survival of America...look at the past and invision a positive future. You're vote will be the deciding factor this time.

See Culinary Coup for delicious Watermelon Soup Recipe from The Springs Resort & Spa.


Bonnie Carroll 

Bonnie Carroll
A Note from Grant House, Councilperson for the City of Santa Barbara
Our hearts go out to the strong and resilient people of Ghana on the sudden passing of President John Evans Atta Mills. He was in touch with Mother Ghana and all her children, a role model of civility with friends and adversaries alike. Mills was, above all, committed to the power of a people united in peace. Rooted in the rich history of Africa, but moving forward with determination and hope, he believed in the potential of the next generation. “To our sons and daughters; I say, love your country; work hard; don’t give up in the face of challenges; and your dreams will come alive.” In this spirit let's rededicate ourselves to building bridges of kindness and friendship here at home and across the world. Short little bridges and very long ones - bridges for love to carry and connect us all. This is wisdom speaking, "At no time should we take the peace we enjoy for granted." The stakes are high with threats of violence in the air. It is the 55th anniversary of Ghana's independence. “This day continues to be a constant reminder that with determination and hard-work, there is nothing we cannot achieve as a people, united in pursuit of a common purpose." We share this resolve as we meet on kindness and friendship bridges united for a loving, prosperous and peaceful world. Thank you John Mills. Your beautiful dreams are already coming alive.

WHO WE ARE . . . 

LBN Staff

Bonnie Carroll, Publisher/Editor


Rosalie Frances, Contributor, tolifebites.com

Mary Hilton, Content Contributor/Marketing Director


Delia Csipkay, Contributing Editor

Cody Chandler, Teen Times Columnist


Natasha Melikoff, Montreal Reporter


Mike O’Connell, Photo/Video Director/Contributor


Isabella D'Angelo, Rome Correspondent


Natasha Melikoff, Montreal Correspondent


 Additional contributing writers are included on an individual issue basis. Please contact the editor with questions regarding journalist assignments. Email: writebc@aol.com

LBN Offices

2115 De La Vina Street, Ste 31

Santa Barbara, CA 93105


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LBN Best of 2011
Best Hotel ChefUS
Joachim Splichal, Patina
Best International Chef
Gerhard Schwaiger, Tristan Mallorca
Best International Hotel
Excelsior Hotel, FlorenceItaly
Best US Hotel Spa
Ojai Valley Inn Spa
Best Beach Destination
Melia Hotel, Mallorca Spain
Best US Hotel
Four Seasons Biltmore, SB
Best Bed & Breakfast
Secret Garden, Santa Barbara
Best Cocktail
Almafi Dream, Olio e Limone SB
Best Steak House
Ruth's Chris, BH
Best Int'l Luxury Resort
Villa d'Este, Como, Italy
Best New Luxury Spa Resort
Laguna Shores Marriott
Best Art Museum US
Metropolitan NY
Best Chocolate Experience
Marie Belle, New York
Best Hotel View
Hassler Hotel, RomeItaly
Best Restaurant View
Cannons Seafood, DanaPoint
Best Sunday Brunch
Bel-Air Hotel, Los Angeles
Best Int’l Business Hotel
Melia Hotel, Dusseldorf Germany
Best US Business Hotel
Trump Hotel, New York
Best Spa Cafe Menu
Café Verde, Ojai
Best New Museum
Mullin Automotive Museum, CA
Best Museum Café US
Getty Museum, Malibu, CA
Best Tour
Dublin Food Tour
Best Ocean Destination
Kaanapali Beach, HI
Best International Flights
Airberlin, Air Canada
Best US Flight
JetBlue, Southwest, American Eagle
Best Epicurean Event
LA Chocolate Salon
Best Cook Book
Rose Petal Jam, B. Zatorska
Best Dessert
Spago, Beverly Hills (Sherry Yard)
Best Wine List
Four Seasons Wine Bar, New York
Best Family Hotels
Marriott Worldwide
Best Organic Food
Best Historic Hotel
Four Seasons Beverly Wilshire
Best Film
The Decendants
Best Book
The Help
Congratulations, You're the Best!

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