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“Skills can be taught. Character you either have or you don't have,” Anthony Bourdain.


Letter from the Publisher

August 2015

Dear Life Bites Readers,

This month features latest hotel news, and secrets from the vine, inluding coverage of the Lugana Wine tasting at the Peninsula Beverly Hills. Travel section offers hotel and destination news for summer travel, with lots of Airline announcements. A view on the upcoming Emmy Awards in Tinseltown will offer a glimpse of 'what's cookin' in entertainment for September.

Culinary Coup has some wonderful chef and restaurant news, including a story on Le Pain Quotidien. New restaurant openings and latest food trends for sumer and fall planned. New products and programs for kids in Kids K page. Opening success news on Dustin Vallete's fantastic restuurant in Healdsburg.

News on the US event to release the wines of Lugano Italy, held at the Peninsula Hotel in Beverly Hills. Wine events and food festivals are in full swing throughout California and the nation and we have some news for our grape lovers in Sips. See new book updates in BookBites. Cute news in Kids K and Teen Times.  Updates on TasteTV Chocolate Salon competition news, local and international food events and more. Super Hungarian recipe from the chefs of The Viking Lines to enjoy at home or inspire you to book a reservation on the amazing around the world adventures offered on their beautiful International River Cruises.

If you live near the water take advantage of this time...go for a sail boat ride or just enjoy a dinner while watching the waves break. Water is healing and we all need to feel its peace. Try a whale watching cruise in Santa Barbara or go fishing from a pier. My favorite spot in summer is the Boathouse at Hendry's Beach in Santa Barbara, where award winning chef Ron True is designing fantastic new menus.

The Fund for Santa Barbara is busy preparing for "Bread & Roses" dinner and auction in October 2015 at the QAD Headquarters in Summerland. For tickets and information visit www.fundforsantabarbara.org or call 962-9164.

Pray for peace and I hope you all will join me in remembering our soldiers who are fighting in other countries, and pray for their safe return to their families. God bless them, and God bless America in these difficult times; may the spirit of our Nation reign now and forever, and may our citizens here at home find hope and prosperous times ahead for their families. 


Bonnie Carroll 

Bonnie Carroll

WHO WE ARE . . . 

LBN Staff

Bonnie Carroll, Publisher/Editor


Rosalie Frances, Contributor, tolifebites.com

Mary Hilton, Content Contributor/Marketing Director


Cody Chandler, Teen Times Columnist


Mike O’Connell, Photo/Video Director/Contributor

Omaima Naserdine, Assistant Editor


Isabella D'Angelo, Rome Correspondent


Natasha Melikoff, Montreal Correspondent

Additional contributing writers are included on an individual issue basis. Please contact the editor with questions regarding journalist assignments. Email: writebc@aol.com

LBN Offices

2115 De La Vina Street, Ste 31

Santa Barbara, CA 93105


Email  contact preferred please

LBN Best of 2014
Best Rest Opening US
Petit Trois LA, Ludovic Lefebvre
Best International Chef
Daniel Boulud
Best Airport F&B
Wolfgang Puck Express
Best TV Food Program
Anthony Bordain, Parts Unknown CNN
Best Island Resort & Spa
W Koh Samui Retreat, Thailand
Best Food Art
Cafe des Artistes, Puerto Vallarto MX
Best Winter Ski Resort
Fairmont, Mont Tremblant, Canada
Best Cocktail
Hangovertini, Lebue Hotel, Bangkok
Best Restaurant Design
Victor Drai - Hollywood & LV
Best Int'l Hotel Design
Dhara Dhevi, Chaing Mai
Best Int'l Spa
Ohtli Spa, Casa Magna Marriott, MX
Best Art Exhibition
Kings Palace, Bangkok Thailand
Best Int'l Beach Escape
Westin, Puerto Vallarta/Casa Tres Villas MX
Best Celeb Event Menu
2014 Emmy's by Joachim Splichal Patina
Best Iconic Lounge
Polo Lounge, Beverly Hills Hotel
Best Italian Restauant 
Il Pastao, Giacomino Drago, California
Best Int’l Business Hotel
Hilton Sukhumvit Hotel, Bangkok, Thailand
Best Seafood Plate
Ahi & Uni, La Palapa, Puerto Vallarta
Best California Cuisine
CP Dry Creek Kitchen, Chef Valette, Sonoma
Best Food & Wine Pairings
The Lark, Santa Barbara, CA
Best New Chef
Chef Carlos Gaytan, "Du Mexique" Chicago
Best Tavern F&B Style
Arlington Tavern, Santa Barbara
Best Wine Adventure
Jordan Estate Winery, California
Best Int'l & US Flights
Thai Airways, JetBlue, US Airways, AA
Best Weekend Escape
Monterey Plaza Hotel & Spa
Best Burger
The Point, Chef Bognar, Culver City, CA
Best Epicurean Event
Cancun Food & Wine Festival Boulud Dinner
Best Food Tasting Tour
Taco Tour Puerto Vallarto, MX
Best Wine List Selection
Cafe des Artistes, Secrets Cancun
Best Family Hotels
Hofsa House, Carmel; Velas Vallarta, MX
Best Travel Adventure
Patara Elephant Farm, Chaing Mai Thailand
Best Historic Celebration
City of Beverly Hills 100th Birthday
Best Films
The Chef, & Grand Budapest Hotel
Best Cook Book
Toque! Normad Laprise, Montreal

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December 07
| November 07 | October 07 | September 07 | August 07 | July 07 | June 07 | May 07
April 07 | March 07 | February 07 | January 07

December 06
| November 06 | October 06 | September 06 | August 06 | July 06 | June 06 | May 06
April 06 | March 06 | February 06 | January 06

December 05
| November 05 | October 05 | September 05 | August 05 | July 05 | June 05 | May 05
April 05 | March 05 | February 05

© 2008 Bonnie Carroll, All Rights Reserved