Letter from the Publisher April 2020
"We have a Lord who is capable of crying with us and capable of walking with us in the most difficult moments of life." - Pope Francis
My heart is so heavy from the human devastation that has happened since early March, and the horror of the unimagined loss of life being experienced in countries around the world, that leaves me at a loss for words. I have included as much as was possible in this issue, but I am grieving and it was not easy. So many people have died in China, Italy, Korea, Japan America and more countries since I wrote this on 3/23 that I feel the entire world is in a state of shock. My family and I have been in quarintine since March 15 and the President has sent in the Federal Reserve to maintain three US States. A large ship and large sports arena's are being prepared to handle the people strickened by this virus. People are afraid and I am afraid. This coronavirus quietly attacks and violently kills human beings, and is resulting in the financial ruin of everyone. Our stock market crashed more seriously than in 1929 and people have had to leave their jobs to go into quarantine to control the deaths of hundreds of thousands of additional people. I am praying for our survival and hoping our God (by whatever name we call him) will intercede to help us. So far there is not a medicine to combat this and scientists are saying it could take months to find one. I am truely in shock and so worried about my own children. 38 Catholic priests have died in Italy and Pope Francis is trying to help his flock through what seems to be the most devastating Easter of our lives. Stay home and save lives, as well as your own. Make special effort to pray and be close to a loving God. Have faith that we will get through this and our world will continue. God Bless you who are reading this and know that I believe we will make it through and survive this invisible enemy. See our Health Minded section for great tips on handing these challenging times by Dr. Kathy Gruver.
A very proctive person, I am doing creative cooking, writing, reorganizing everything in my house, taking short walks outside away from others and photographing flowers along the way, listening to music I love and dancing while no one is watching to keep my body and soul in top shape to continue this stay-cation in my best health and hopefully close it in a healthier than ever state of mind and body. We hope your Easter is peaceful and happy as it can be under the circumstances. God Bless and we thank you for joining us this month and every month for 15 years. If you have any questions regarding editorial or advertising rates please email us at: writebc@aol.com.
Cordially, Bonnie Carroll Publisher/Editor LBN Staff 2020 Bonnie Carroll, Publisher/Editor writebc@aol.com Rosalie Frances, Contributor, tolifebites.com Mary Hilton, Content Contributor/Marketing Director tolifebites@aol.com Cody Chandler, Film Times Columnist tolifebites@aol.com Natasha Melikoff, Montreal Reporter tolifebites@aol.com Mike OConnell, Photo/Video Director/Contributor tolifebites@aol.com Isabella D'Angelo, Rome Correspondent tolifebites@aol.com Additional contributing writers are included on an individual issue basis. Please contact the editor with questions regarding journalist assignments. Email:tolifebites@aol.com Web - Cyberindustries. Devin Wilcox LBN Offices
Santa Barbara, CA 93105
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