Letter from the Publisher June 2020
HAPPY FATHER'S DAY "A father is one who carries pictures where his money used to be." - Unknown Author
Dear Life Bites Readers, I wish to honor all the great men who influenced my life, especially the men I was never married to who just loved me, imparted knowledge, and opened doors for me along the way to help me be the best Bonnie I could be. They include religious, professors, publishers, bosses, friends, physical therapists and family members. I loved my dad and appreciate more today than ever what he went through as a victim of PTSD when he returned from battle in WWII. His love and kindness were an inspiration to me always. My thanks to the ocean of great men that I never knew who totally inspired me through their contributions to all the things I love. Men who inspired me to be the best I could be in every way. God Bless you all and I thank you so much where ever you are. PANDEMIC HEROES: I wish to honor all the first responders, medical professionals and hospital staff members who have been working since mid-March to save so many lives throughout the US. These special people have given so much to those suffering and dying from this virus; often their own lives and there are really no words to describe the gratitude I feel and the sympathy I feel for the families of those who have passed during this pandemic. .png)
Corona Virus Pandemic
Bonnie Carroll & Kellie Meehan Director of Marketing, California Strawberry Festival 2019
The California Strawberry Festival, which was outstanding last year is another event that has been postponed due to corona virus pademic. I was a judge for the "Berry Blast Off" competition last year and look forward to next year's wonderful event. Kudos to Santa Barbara FoodBank who continue to provide food to seniors and families in the Santa Barbara County during the Corona Virus Pandemic. This group is renowned for providing brown bag service and additional lunch programs for seniors, as well as lunches for school children during the year, but they have gone beyond every expectation to keep the needy fed during these difficult times.
___________________________________________________________________ SANTA BARBARA RESTAURANTS STRUGGLE DURING PANDEMIC  .JPG)
Ca' Dario Storke Rd. Goleta - Ca' Dario Victoria St. Santa Barbara Chef Dario Furlati, has been providing curb-pick up services at his dining venues in the Santa Barbara area and the word is his pizza leaves Wolfgang Puck"s in the dust. Santa Barbara City Council voted this week to close State Street between Haley Street and Victoria Street to enable restaurants to do seperated outdoor restaurant service on the street to assist with their reopening during pandemic. Please support PBS.org and keep wonderful programming like Masterpiece Theatre, children's education content and international news ongoing. Their new season is starting and we want to enjoy all the great shows for another year.
Happy Birthday to my daughter Kathleen, May 30, Granddaughter Natash, June 6 Be kind to the Dad in your life and perhaps use the recipes in our issue to please him, especially the Chile Relleno from Doc's in Taos, NM below, or grill him an Omaha steak using McCormick spices.
We hope your Father's Day is peaceful, happy and filled with love. God bless and we thank you for joining us this month. Look for summer holiday recipes and party ideas in our July issue, which will be devoted to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness as our Country tries to rebound from quarantines and closures resulting from Corona Virus. Happy Birthday to my beautiful daughter Kathleen (May 30) who traveled with me on a Viking River Cruise Paris to Zurich last year, and my beautiful granddaughter Natasha (June 6) and also my celebrity favorite Johhny Depp (June 9). . Cordially, Bonnie Carroll Publisher/Editor (14).jpg)
The Historic Taos Inn Chile Relleno Ingredients: 12 Rellenos 5 lbs of shredded jack & cheddar cheeses 1 red onion diced 1 bunch of cilantro-finely chopped 1/8 cup of cumin 1 1/4 cups of Blue Cornmeal 2 cups of all-purpose flour 1 egg 1 beer Water to texture Should stick to finger and drip off slowly. Procedure: - deep fry chiles until skins turn white
- Peel Chiles
- Stuff
- Batter and roll into the crushed tortilla chips
- Deep fry to completion

__________________________________________________________________ LIFE BITES NEWS . . . Who We Are LBN Staff 2020 Bonnie Carroll, Publisher/Editor writebc@aol.com Rosalie Frances, Contributor, tolifebites.com Mary Hilton, Content Contributor/Marketing Director Maryhilton, tolifebites@aol.com Cody Hilton, Teen Times Columnist tolifebites@aol.com Natasha Melikoff, Canada Reporter writebc@aol.com Mike OConnell, Photo/Video Director/Contributor tolifebites@aol.com Isabella D'Angelo, Rome Correspondent tolifebites@aol.com Additional contributing writers/photographers are included on an individual issue basis. Please contact the editor with questions regarding journalist assignments. Email: writebc@aol.com Website: Cyberindustries.com LBN 2115 De La Vina Street, Ste 31 Santa Barbara, CA 93105 805-845-9976 Email contact preferred please ____________________________________________________