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Letter from the Publisher
October 2022

Dear Life Bites News Readers,

My hometown airport is now flying direct to Denver, Colorado and our Hotel/Chef profile is a report on Four Seasons Denver with information on all their upscale ammenities and an introduction to their chef as well as bites on The Fontaine Hotel in Kansas City.

Please enjoy our hotel/chef profile on Four Seasons Denver and Chef Jessica Beiderman. A great property winter through summer with typical outstanding Four Seasons service and comfort.

Four Seasons Hotel Denver

The weather in Austria, Hungary, Germany Italy, Switzerland, France, or just about any place abroad is perfect now for sightseeing, outdoor dining, window shopping or just strolling on the boulevard in Paris with your special someone. Many of my travel writer friends are on assigment and are traveling.  This is ususally the perfect time to Cruise the rivers in Europe on Viking River Cruise ships and savor the sights and flavors they offer but the Pandemic has created some route challenges. Keep checking travel sources for current restrictions.

I've been getting great reports from writer friends who are boarding planes and traveling to far away destinations on how compliant the airlines are being, as well as hotels. Author and friend Leslie Zemekis has been sending reports on her work in Paris and London during her extended stay and it is so appreciated.

My personal experience locally has been very impressive...masks, gloves, disinfectant, distancing all in place. People are booking cruises for 2021-22 on Viking and other lines but are keeping their fingers crossed.

2022 Vikiing Cruises are in full swing again.

Our October issue is filled with great stories on health and lifestyle. Also, celebrity Emmy news and photos. Culinary Coup has some great recipes and information on openings and closings. The travel section has a fun Coasting with Bonnie Carroll on Solvang "Denmark in America" and BookBites has some interesting reads to take along on short or long trips and a few fall cookbooks. Spa Baby Secrets shares news on several fine spas and the popularity of home massage treatments.

Association  for  Women in Communication Clarion Awards .  .  .

I am so honored to share that Bonnie  Carroll's Life Bites News was selected by a panel of  AWC judges to recieve a 2022 Clarion Award in Kansas City, MO on September 30, 2022 for Successful Aging publication presented by Editor Bonnie Carroll. So grateful for this honor and please look for our stoy in October 2022 Issue of LBN. Visit AWC website for details www.awc.org.


Road Trip to the Bayou

To purchase tickets to this event please click on this link: http://sbrm.org/bayou

Bayou Camp Out 2022

2022 Bayou event attracts a huge crowd to Dos Pueblos Ranch where the Santa Barbara Rescue Mission honors spectacular citizens who have made a contribution to the ongoing success of Santa Barbara.  will be honored this year for her contribution as a board member and charitable support over the years. Thie annual SBRM Bayou will have a  theme for 2022 and will be on Zoom for those who cannot attend as well as live event presentation. Look for an upcoming story. Please make a donation - every dollar counts in helping the homeless in Santa  Barbara. Visit: www.SBRM.org.

The Arthritis Foundation will hold their annual walk this year - check their site for details. Cancer Walk will be live again in Santa Barbara for 2022. Your support for these worthy charities is so welcome and needed. Visit their sites and donate or participate if you can. Hospice of Santa Barbara Heroes Awards luncheon at SB Hilton last week was a delightful blend of generosity, love and support.

SIPS offers cool brunch at Roblar Winery news, and look for a new wine/food review at Finch & Fork in Santa Barbara.  Kids K section has some great ideas for kids, teens and more. Travel section features details on the exciting new river cruise christened in the Nile River by CEO Torstein Hagen, with all the beautiful details on experience the best of Egypt on a @Viking ship. Look for fall travel options near home, and updates on the California travel.

Look for major entertainment coverage of EMMYs 2022, celebrity suites photos and news as well. I am delighted these major entertainment events are now live again.

See Tinseltown Tidbits EMMY news, and more. For advance tickets to SBIFF Film Festival 2023 visit www.sbiff.org.

We all see the political horror show happening in the Ukraine and must pray for an end to it  I am also asking you to please look at the facts and VOTE to protect America! I am no longer a republican due to the circus created by our previous president, who has caused an insurection and death in our Capitol and is organizing his thugs on live TV to harm innocent Americans as I write this. The confusion and danger those lies have caused everyone are vile. I thank God President Biden was elected, but pray for him trying to clean up the former presidents messes as well as handle extremely serious problems facing US Citizens ongoing.

Pray for our young men and women fighting in foreign countries. They need our prayers -- they need to come home safely! May God help the victims of sensless attacks in Europe and around the world. Pray for our President Joe Biden and Kamala Harris VP.

Support your local restaurants, hotels and business' and let's give America a renewed strength and abundance of growth.


Bonnie Carroll

Opinions in this monthly publisher's letter are those of the publisher only.

Patina Oscar's Recipe provided to FBWorld by Bonnie Carroll


CLICK HERE for Recipe of the Month from Karen Evenden 

WHO WE ARE . . . 

Unless otherwise indicated photos in this magazine are by Bonnie Carroll.


LBN Staff 2022

Bonnie Carroll, Publisher/Editor


Rosalie Frances, Contributor, tolifebites.com

Mary Hilton, Content Contributor/Marketing Director


Cody Chandler, Photographr/Columnist


Natasha Melikoff, Montreal Reporter


Mike OConnell, Photo/Video Director/Contributor


Isabella D'Angelo, Rome Correspondent


Additional contributing writers are included on an individual issue basis. Please contact the editor with questions regarding journalist assignments. Email: writebc@aol.com

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| November 07 | October 07 | September 07 | August 07 | July 07 | June 07 | May 07
April 07 | March 07 | February 07 | January 07

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