Letter from the Publisher April 2008
Dear Life Bites News Readers, Easter came early this year, and we hope you enjoyed Easter, colored eggs, and happy times with family and friends. Palm Sunday and Easter have been very special to me since I was a child, and I look forward to them.
In this issue we have focused primarily on great travel tips, local and national lifestyle news, along with some vacation planning suggestions for spring. Giving healthy food to your family is the focus of "Book Bites" in our April issue, and Cody Hilton has some great things for kids to do on spring break. We have stories on some exciting new food products from Italy, as well as a follow up on the Natural Product Show.
Executive Chef Angelini of La Terza in Los Angeles is featured this month, and our "Health Minded" section is filled with helpful ideas to be well. We have some wine news and the latest information on new water choices. The Taste of Solvang was anamazing weekend in the Santa Ynez Valley, and we will share it with you. Our Tinsel Town Tidbits has information on the premiere showing of "Citizen Mc Caw"
We hope your Easter was peaceful and happy. We thank you for joining us this month, and we look forward to our Mother's Day issue, which will be devoted to Presidential Candidate Hillary Clinton, and other great women like her. If you have any questions regarding editorial or advertising rates please email us at: tolifebites@aol.com or writebc@aol.com. Cordially,
Bonnie Carroll Publisher/Editor