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Skills can be taught. Character you either have or you don't have, Anthony Bourdain.


Letter from the Publisher

August 2017

Dear Life Bites Readers,

This month features the charm of Solvang, California favorites for weekend fun! Michelin Star delights at the Blaue Bar Hotel Sacher Vienna. Health Minded notes on Alzhaimers and the life of a priest celebrated in America. Travel section offers destination news for summer/fall travel, with special Airline announcements. We have news on the upcoming Emmy Awards and Tinseltown tidbits on 'what's cookin' in entertainment for August & September. Delightful summer cruising on Viking Hungary through Holland.

Culinary Coup has some wonderful chef and restaurant news, including new restaurant openings and latest food trends for sumer and fall. New products in european Farmers Markets.

Wine events and food festivals are in full swing throughout California and the nation and we have some news for our grape lovers in Sips. Archie McLaren founder of Central Coast Wine Classic turns 75. See new book updates in BookBites. Cute news and advice in Kids K and Teen Times.  Updates on TasteTV Chocolate Salon news, and Chocolat Museum in Cologne. Super recipes to enjoy at home or inspire you to book a reservation at your favorite restaurant for delicious summer dining. Spa Baby Secrets advise and taking advantage of your local day spas.

If you live near the water take advantage of this time...go for a  ride on the Condor Express in Santa Barbara to watch whales and dolpins or just enjoy a dinner watching the waves break. Water is healing and we all need it's healing energy. Try fishing from a pier. My favorite spots in summer is the Boathouse at Hendry's Beach or one of the great seafood haunts at the Santa Barbara Marine. Visit our Health Minded section for great 'feel good' tips and valuable information to add to your own health regimen.

Enjoy our coverage of the California Coast Wine Classic - 32nd event. We have some nice wine news from cities in Germany, Austria and Hungary as well.

Pray for peace and I hope you all will join me in remembering our soldiers who are fighting in other countries, and pray for their safe return to their families. God bless them. May the great spirit of our Nation reign now and forever, and may our citizens find hope and prosperity ahead for their families. 


Bonnie Carroll 

Bonnie Carroll

Poached Pears with Chocolate Sauce

 Yield: 6 servings

3 cups water

1 1/2 cups sugar

slivered zest from one orange

1 vanilla bean

6 small almost-ripe pears, preferably a firm type like Bosc, Bartlett or Concorde

juice from one orange

1/4 cup sliced almonds, toasted in a 300F. oven until just beginning to color, about 3-5 minutes

3 oz. good quality bittersweet chocolate, cut into small pieces

3/4 cup heavy cream

Combine the water, sugar, orange zest and halved, scraped vanilla bean plus its seeds, in a non-reactive (do not use aluminum or cast iron) pot large enough to accommodate the fruit. Bring to a boil and simmer for a few minutes.

Peel the pears. Gently remove the core from the bottom with a corer or paring knife. Cut a thin slice from the bottom of each, so they stand. Place pears in the pan, stem end up. The liquid should just cover the pears. Top this with a round of parchment or waxed paper (cut to size). Bring to a very gentle simmer and cook for 5-20 minutes, just until the pears are tender when pierced with a small knife. Less ripe pears will take longer, riper ones a shorter time. Remove pears and allow to cool to room temperature.

Add the orange juice to poaching syrup and simmer 15-20 minutes, until reduced by half. Pour over pears. May be refrigerated for up to 5 days at this point.

Make the chocolate sauce by bringing the heavy cream to a simmer in a small pan. Add the chocolate and stir, off the heat, until melted. If made in advance, this sauce will need to be re-warmed slightly for serving.

To serve place one pear in each flat bowl, with a little of the syrup. Spoon some warm chocolate sauce over the pear. Sprinkle with toasted almonds and serve.

About Paulding & Company

Founded by mother-daughter duo Terry and Tracy Paulding, Paulding & Co. is a commercial kitchen and instructional/event space that specializes in creating innovative event ideas for families and corporate entities through public cooking classes and exercises. Located in the heart of the San Francisco Bay area, Paulding & Company inspired Disney/Pixar animators for the Ratatouille film and director Clint Eastwood for several projects. To learn more including a schedule of upcoming classes visit www.pauldingandco.com.

WHO WE ARE . . . 

LBN Staff

Bonnie Carroll, Publisher/Editor


Rosalie Frances, Contributor, tolifebites.com

Mary Hilton, Content Contributor/Marketing Director


Cody Chandler, Teen Times Columnist


Mike OConnell, Photo/Video Director/Contributor


Isabella D'Angelo, Rome Correspondent


Natasha Melikoff, Montreal Correspondent

Additional contributing writers are included on an individual issue basis. Please contact the editor with questions regarding journalist assignments. Email: writebc@aol.com

LBN Offices

2115 De La Vina Street, Ste 31

Santa Barbara, CA 93105


Email  contact preferred please


LBN Best of 2016
Best Rest Opening US
Valette, Healdsburg Ca
Best International Chef
Rupert Schnait, OPUS Hotel Imperial Vienna
Best Airport Food
Wolfgang Puck Express
Best TV Food Program
Anthony Bordain, Parts Unknown CNN
Best Island Resort & Spa
Villa del Palmar, Island of Loretto Mexico
Best Food Art
Hotel Imperial, Vienna Austria
Best Winter Ski Escape
Rosewood Inn of the Anasazi, New Mexico
Best Cocktail
Pretty Petals - Kollazs Brasserie & Bar
Best Restaurant Design
EssZimmer  BMW Welt Center Munich
Best Hotel Design
Gresham Palace, Budapest Hungary
Best Int'l Restaurant
Hotel Sacher - Rote Restaurant
Best Art Exhibits
Hofburg Palace - Vienna, Austria
Best Lunch Escape
Hendry's Boathouse - Santa Barbara
Best Celeb Event Menu
2015 Emmy's - Joachim Splichal
Best Iconic Lounge
Blaue Lounge - Hotel Sacher, Vienna
Best Italian Restauant 
Via Maestra 42 - Santa Barbara
Best Sunday Brunch
Four Seasons Biltmore - Santa Barbara
Best Seafood
Hog Oysters - San Francisco
Best Theatre Experience
 Erkel Theatre Opera - Budapest Hungary
Best Food & Wine Festival
Buda Palace - Budapest Hungary
Best & Oldest Book Store
Korn & Berg, Nuremberg Germany
Best Old World Restaurant
Ratskeller - Munich Germany
Best Wine Adventure
Jordan Estate Winery, California
Best Int'l & US Flights
Air France, Air Canada, Air Berlin, JetBlue
Best Weekend Escape
Ojai California
Best European Deli
Belvarosi Diszotoroa - Budapest
Best Epicurean Event
Gourmet Intl Festival - Puerto Vallarta
Best Food Tasting Tour
Budapest Food & Wine Tour
Best Wine List Selection
Bacara Resort & Spa, Goleta CA
Best Bed & Breakfast
Simpson House Inn - Santa Barbara
Best Travel Adventure
Viking River Cruise - Romantic Danube
Best Historic Tour
Ringstrasse, Vienna Austria
Best Films
Burnt, Joy
Best Cook Book
Secrets of the La Varenne - Anne Willan

Congratulations!!! You're the Best!!!

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© 2008 Bonnie Carroll, All Rights Reserved