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Dear Life Bites News Readers,

HAPPY 4TH OF JULY and we hope you are enjoying your summer with family and friends.

Our Chef/hotel offers a focus travel 'must do's and the Hofsas House in beautiful Carmel-by-the-Sea, where charm, history and attention to guest comfort has been paramount for 71 years has another birthday. See lots of new and exciting openings and great cities for tourists to visit this summer.

Hofsa House Celebrates 71 Years in Carmel, California

Sips is featuring some great wine news, including the 2018 coverage of the Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History 31st Wine & Food Festival in Santa Barbara.. Culinary Coup is full of  delicious food news. Look for film, food & wine events to enjoy around the world in LBN.

Food & Wine Festival SBMNH 2018

Our BookBites has some fabulous take-along books for reading on the plane.  Also Kids books with toys for little ones.

We YouTube at https://youtu.be/CHStx8dacZ4.are adding a new feature "By Air" on air travel in the "Wheels" section giving special kudos to Airlines providing great service to travelers. KLM from LAX to Amsterdam and AIR FRANCE Munich back to LAX was amazing, even in economy! Take a look to see who we are featuring to honor each month.



Enjoyed another visit to Budapest in June and the Szechenyi Thermal Spa is the epitome of historic health in Budapest. This is where guests will experience an authentic thermal spa encounter. Highlights include mineral baths, large treatment rooms and unique treatment menu. An historic blissful experience to savor in Hungary. Loved riding the Budapest Eye with #1 Daughter Kathleen.

See delicious Viking Viennese Strudel Recipe preparation video created by LBN featuring chef Paput and his sous chef for guests on the "Danube Waltz" cruise up the Danube at YouTube at youto.be/CHStx8dac.Z4.

Viking River Cruises Summer 2018

Look for great stories on small villages in Austria from the Viking River Curise up the Danube in June, and details on exciting tours with some recipes to enjoy at home.

Pray for peace. Pray for America. Pray for those leading our Country and all the men and women in our armed forces fighting in foreign lands!

Happy Birthday to my daughter Mary (July 12), my darling grandson Leo (July 15), my Knight Dartaian (July 13), and my adorable GG Nolan (July 2) . . . you are all wonderful!

Bonnie Carroll    
 Bonnie Carroll, Publisher/Editor

See Apple Strudel recipe and story in Chef/Profile July 1 issue.

4th of July Healthy Egg-cellent Breakfast Quesadilla courtesy of Pritikin Longevity Center

Pritikin Breakfast Quesadilla.jpg


  • 1 cup diced assorted vegetables (the more colors the better!)
  • 1 cup egg whites
  • 1 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
  • 1 whole-wheat, low-sodium lavash thin bread
  • 3 Tablespoons  shredded fat-free mozzarella cheese
  • 1 Tablespoon chopped fresh cilantro leaves (optional)
  • 2 Tablespoons fat-free sour cream
  • 1 cup pico de gallo (no salt added) or no-salt-added salsa (such as Enricos brand)


  1. In a medium nonstick skillet, saute vegetables until beginning to brown.  Add egg whites and scramble.  Season with black pepper.
  2. On a warm griddle or flat-top grill, place lavash thin bread and let the side facing the heat get hot.
  3. Turn the bread over on the griddle or grill, and sprinkle the cheese on top side.
  4. On half of the top side, spread the vegetable scramble and cilantro.
  5. When the cheese begins to melt, fold the thin bread in half to cover the vegetables.  Press firmly, using a tool like a large firm spatula or bottom of a pan.  Flip on the other side, grill for about 2 minutes, and press.
  6. Remove from heat.  Cut quesadilla into four pieces.  Serve two pieces per person with fat-free sour cream and salsa on the side.


Summer Cocktails from the Blaue Bar - Hotel Sacher - Vienna

Sips has some refreshing cocktail ideas from the most beautiful bars in the world; Blaue Bar, Hotel Sacher, Vienna Austria is my personal favorite.

Dream Oddessey Cocktail

Stoli Manzana Verde, Peach mash & Orange Juice 12Euros


LIFE BITES NEWS . . . Who We Are

LBN Staff 2018

Bonnie Carroll, Publisher/Editor


Rosalie Frances, Contributor, tolifebites.com

Mary Hilton, Content Contributor/Marketing Director


Cody Hilton, Teen Times Columnist


Natasha Melikoff, Montreal Canada Reporter


Mike OConnell, Photo/Video Director/Contributor


Isabella D'Angelo, Rome Correspondent


Additional contributing writers are included on an individual issue basis. Please contact the editor with questions regarding journalist assignments. Email: writebc@aol.com

Website Creator: Cyberindustries.com


2115 De La Vina Street, Ste 31

Santa Barbara, CA 93105


Email contact preferred please

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© 2008 Bonnie Carroll, All Rights Reserved