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Bruce Munro Sensorio Field of Light Paso Robles (Photo: Bonnie Carroll)

"Life is not measured by the number of breathes we take

but, by the moments that take our breath away."

Maya Angelo

Letter from the Publisher
September 2021

Dear Life Bites Readers,

Fall coverage along the coast includes my travel trip to Pismo Beach and Paso Robles to see Sensorio, and I hope you enjoy my coverage. I am wearing masks once again, washing my hands, using sanitizers and seperating per regulations. We are now fighting this virus and know compliance makes a difference. Please lets work together to beat this horrible pandemic once and for all. GET YOUR VACCINATION PLEASE.

Swan Spa, Matild Palace

See SpaBabySecrets section for news on gorgeous Swan Spa in newly opened Matild Palace in Budapest, Hungary and Hotel/Chef section for coverage on the historic palace now the chic venue steps from the Elizabeth Bridge, featuring the first Spago by Wolfgang Puck in Hungary.

Spago Budapest

Below is a great recipe for Hungarian Goulish from my past visit to Budapest - hope you like it! Since my last visit Chef Wolfgang Puck has opened a signature restaurant in a hotel near the Danube River in Budapest. See story in Culinary Coup section.

September is usually a great time for traveling, especially in Europe but since the pandemic last March this has changed considerably, although most cruise lines, including Viking, who are a go with cruises being scheduled into 2022. My fall Viking cruise from Paris to Germany 2019 provided many stories on special destinations following the shut down, however, all Viking cruises are now on go. American and European journalist friends are beginning to do travel writing again and stories are coming up daily, although closures are beginnig to happen again do to the serious virus activity.

Watch for story on The Bayou Derby - 20th annual benefit for the Santa Barbara Rescue Mission; great auction, food and music at Dos Pueblos Ranch in October 2, 2:00. For information on auction items online or reservations visit (www.sbrm.org).

Major events to support Arthritis Foundation California have been rescheduled due to the pandemic and virus. Please go to their site and make a donation if you can. www.arthritisfoundation.org.

Look for Emmy and Oscar and announcement on entertainment events and awards. The Santa Barbara International Film Festival has been changed please visit www.SBIFF.org for dates and details. Charities are doing their major fundraisers on line, and are now holding public events in some cases. Grateful for Zoom which has kept groups connected during 2020-21.  I hope to be seeing all my entertainment friends at upcoming events, but we'll see.

Ada's Mac n' Lobster Dish

I took a Santa Barbara Airbus trip this month and I'm reporting on it Culinary Coup Section with focus on Pismo Beach Ada's Fish House dinner. Love the Central Coast destinations and it is wonderful discovering so many special places close to home for couples and families seeking highway travels to experience vacation get-a-ways. Camping is huge, and sites all along the ocean on the Central Coast have been packed this summer.

The Hotel Cerro in SLO in downtown San Luis Obispo is a great close to home option while traveling on the 101 and our Hotel/Chef section has my past review, along with fascinating Madonna Inn and Carmel favorite Hofsas House Hotel. The SLO area has access to so many amazing beaches to visit, where an abundance of water activities are available and I love the scenic Monterey coast. www.hotelcerro.com.

My favorite home-away-from-home is Hofsas House in Carmel for a safe weekend respite. Hosfas House welcomes families and has pet friendly rooms. Carmel-by-the-Sea is a very compliant community with wonderful restaurants.

Hofsas House, Carmel-by-the-Sea

The Sensorio event in Paso Robles is well worth the drive, and simply amazing. I was totally delighted by the whole experience. The most delightful walk through of our life! The installation and the property take visitors to another world, one that is so beautiful!

Please enjoy my coverage on Old Spanish Days Fiesta 2021 and plan to attend 2022. It was simply beautiful (video can be seen on Youtube) with lots of restrictions but the volunteers and Fiesta board of directors gave it their best, and it was beautiful! Visit www.fiestasb.org.

We all must continue to pray for our medical professionals on the line who continue working to safe the lives of people with COVID-19 in hospitals through the US and around the world. Pray that people will get vaccinated and comply to stop this virus. Also, keep our young men and women fighting in foreign countries on your prayer list, especially those fine young people who lost their lives in Kabul in August. These armed forces members need our prayers -- they need to come home safely! Pray for world peace. Prayer works!

Message from Pope Frances -- TUESDAY, AUGUST 17, 2021

“The human eye always looks for grandeur and allows itself to be dazzled by what is flashy. Instead, God does not look at the appearance, God looks at the heart… Humility of heart enchants God.”

Pope Francis
Support your local restaurants, hotels and business' and let's give America a renewed strength during this pandemic. Congratulations to all the inventive restaurant owners who are working to reinvent their venues for survival move. See story on pandemic restaurant warriors in Culinary Coup section.

Pray for all the people caught in the California wild fire areas, all the storm victims in NOLA, and for those trying to return home from Afghanistan.


Bonnie Carroll

Please note: Opinions in this monthly online publishers letter are those of the publisher only.

Creamy Viennese Veal Goulash

Goulash originates from Hungary. When it came to Vienna in the middle of the 19th century, it had little in common with the dish that is so popular in Vienna today: It was a kind of thin soup made of pepper, potatoes, onions and tomatoes. The Viennese cuisine reinvented it into a viscid, spicy and fiery beef dish. For the more noble creamy Viennese veal goulash you will need tender veal and whipped cream for refining.

Serves: 4


  • 2.2 lb veal shoulder

  • 4.44 lb onions

  • 1 tsp paprika powder (sweet)

  • 1 Tbsp Rosen paprika powder

  • 1 Tbsp tomato paste

  • 1 Apple (sour)

  • 0.45 pt cream

  • 0.22 pt sour cream

  • 1/8 cup flour

  • juice from 1 lemon

  • grated lemon rind

  • 0.22 pt white wine

  • 1 bay leaf

  • salt

  • ground pepper

  • 4 Tbsps oil for frying


Cut the meat into bite-size cubes and chop the onions. Heat the oil in a casserole dish and lightly fry the meat. Remove, then saute the onions. Add the tomato paste and paprika powder and pour on the wine. Add the meat and add water so the meat is just covered. Add the bay leaf, salt and pepper and stew for about 1 1/2 hours.
As soon as the meat is tender, remove again with a draining spoon. Remove the bay leaf. Cut the apple into small cubes and add to the goulash, along with the lemon juice and grated lemon rind. Mix in the flour, cream and sour cream. Stir well.
Bring to boil then mix with a hand-held mixer. Strain the liquid and add the meat again, adding salt and pepper to taste.

Enjoy with: bread

CLICK HERE for Recipe of the Month from Karen Evenden 

WHO WE ARE . . . 


LBN Staff 2021

Bonnie Carroll, Publisher/Editor


Rosalie Frances, Contributor, tolifebites.com

Mary Hilton, Content Contributor/Marketing Director



Natasha Melikoff, Montreal Reporter


Mike O Photo/Video Director/Contributor


Isabella D'Angelo, Rome Correspondent


Kid Consultants, Nolan & Theo Tanny

Chef Advisor, David Versillo

Book Review Content, Chaucer's Books

Additional contributing writers are included on an individual issue basis. Please contact the editor with any and all questions regarding journalist assignments. Email: writebc@aol.com

LBN Offices

Santa Barbara, CA 93105


Email  contact preferred please

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© 2008 Bonnie Carroll, All Rights Reserved