Happy Thanksgiving! 
Dear Life Bites News Readers, Happy Thanksgiving! This issue includes stories relative to Thanksgiving at home as well as travel dining ideas for those of you who are on the road or in the air again. Wishing you safe travels! I will toast you with a glass of Hands on Heart this year!
Congratulations to President Joe Biden, The first Lady &Vice President of the United States of America, Kamala Harris & First Husband for making it through yet another challenging year and surviving! Proud of them and love them and am grateful to them! Bonnie Carroll, Publisher, Life Bites News. 
President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris 11/7/2022 Culinary Coup features a great and easy recipes and food news for One or Two by moi to enjoy for the holidays and also please see recipes below for Turkey dinner.
Check out the chocolate delights being created by dear friend Jean Michel of Chocolate du CaliBressan located in Carpinteria. They will create corporate logo chocolates for your business or family events to celebrate as well as the New Year.

Jean Michel & Jill-Marie Carre, Chocolat du CaliBressan, Goleta, CA
Wonderful holiday entertainment events will be knocking, and Hollywood news is ongoing at Life Bites News. We will be covering Oscar fun, and always The Santa Barbara International Film Festival March 2 - 12, based on whatever restrictions changes come down. The Emmy's live was hosted well done and I covered the event with my camera to do a report. With things opening up I can get to Hollywood with access and I will bring you all the hot news. Our Santa Barbara International Film Festival will run March 2-12, and promises to be as fantasic as ever, with exciting films and celebrity interviews. Buy tickets at the site below. Look for me on the Red Carpet! for tickets 2023
Entertainment news and fun film tips are seen in TTT. SBIFF Kirk Douglas Award is happening in December and SBIFF Film Festival, Oscars and more on the way. Kids K page has fun holiday adventures for families during the holidays, teen issues, and hot new kid books. Look for ongoing (AWCSB) Association for Women in Communication Awards story, and news in BookBites with a few fantastic art and book news.
Johnny Jet has the most updated air travel information so go to his site at to always be ahead of the game. Masks are no longer a must in California where I'm celebrating my holidays, and each area seems to be doing their own thing. Be vigilant in checking restrictions and being respectful by wearing your mask if necessary. Great story up on newest Viking ships that met in Amsterdamn recently. The Anctartic ship looks so interesting and ocean/river cruises are booked up for the holiday markets everywhere  Viking in Anctartica
Traveling is not easy at this time, but people are chomping at the bit to go visit family or have vacation time. Airfares are high and gasoline is off the charts! Guess I'll be staying put for the holidays this year.  Eating Gourmet for the Holidays ... The Better Cheddar, Kansas City
Discovering specialty gourmet food stores can be wonderful while traveling. See story on The Better Cheddar in Kansas City for an inside view of one great food venue for entertaining or just enjoying fine food. News reports say people are drinking more currently and over eating. I'm striving to stay calm and watch what I eat and drink. We have some healthy recipes and new product bites to share with vegans, vegetarians, gluten free and dairy free readers. Enjoy! Chef/Hotel Profile is on The Fontaine Hotel in Kansas City, where I was presented a Association for Women in Communications 2022 Clarion Award by the National Chairwoman. Delightful Boutique Hotel in a fun part of Kansas City. Enjoy! 
November Hotel/Chef feature on The Fontaine, Kansas City
Maestro Nir Kabaretti, Santa Barbara Season Symphony Opening
Opening of the Santa Barbara Symphony Season at the Granada Theatre was said to be amazing. I'm down with bronchitis but it looked like Maestro Nir Kabaretti and his Orchestra with Singers and State Street Dancers wow'd everyone! Bravo! to them all for a remarkable job. Also, look for an amazing Pumpkin Martini recipe for Thanksgiving in our Sips section. Holiday luggage gift ideas and travel essentials can be found in our gift guide section and are worth a peek. Culinary Coup covers exciting venues and tastes from around the world, recipes, and current coverage of exciting charitable events.
Below is a good and quick turkey gravy from Mc Cormick, and a fantastic Texas style chili for your hungry football fans.
Birthdays: Wishing my family members Elizabeth Larsen Nov 2, Cody Chandler Hilton Nov 22, and Joey Tanny Nov 19 very happy November Birthday's! I love you all and hope you have a joyful day. Wish I could be with you.
Please don't forget to keep praying for our men and women fighting in foriegn lands, especially during the holiday season, and during these very dangerous times. Pray they all come home safely, or get home for a family visit during the holidays. God Bless America and keep us safe. Pray for those in the Ukraine!
Thanks for stopping by and Happy Thanksgiving! Wear your mask in crowds, keep seperation, wash your hands and be safe and healthy. This Flu is a beast...protect yourself!
2022 Local Election in my home town and may the best person win. Vote the country...protect womens rights...stop OB! Cordially,
Bonnie Carroll Publisher/Editor
___________________________________________________________________ See Culinary Coup for Special LBN 2022 Holiday Recipe ... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
________________________________________________________________ WHO WE ARE . . . LBN Staff 2022 Bonnie Carroll, Publisher/Editor Rosalie Frances, Contributor, Mary Hilton, Content Contributor/Marketing Director
Cody Chandler, Teen Times Columnist Natasha Melikoff, Montreal Reporter Mike OConnell, Photo/Video Director/Contributor Isabella D'Angelo, Rome Correspondent Additional contributing writers are included on an individual issue basis. Please contact the editor with questions regarding any journalist assignments. Email: LBN Offices Santa Barbara, CA 93105 805-845-9976