Letter from the Publisher August 2020 .JPG)
Dear Life Bites Readers, This month features summer news within corona virus pandemic 2020, with many hotels, restaurants and tourism destinations tring to wobble back into action from on off again closures. The Emmy Awards and countless major events have been cancelled or rescheduled with dates in Spring. SBIFF will take place in April 2020.
Chef/Hotel for this month is the Coin & Candor in the Westlake Four Seasons Hotel. It's a divine sta-cation escape with fantastic farm to table food and outrageous wine and cocktails. Culinary Coup has some sad and happy chef and restaurant news, including new restaurant openings, latest food trends for summer and sad closures.
Wine events and food festivals are being cancelled more than not, but local wineries are doing their best to keep their kegs open and serve creative plates to enjoy in outdoor cafe settings. It is a good time to take advantage of special winery package offers with free delivery.
Renato Moisa, Via Maestra 42 Moves Outside See new book updates in BookBites and items in the gift guide. Helpful news and advice in Kids K and Teen Times. Updates on Old Spanish Days viral coverage by Cliff Baldridge.
If you live near the water take advantage of this time...go for a walk near the water to relax and shake your pandemic stress. Check out Depak Chopra and local spiritual types Youtube and Facebook meditations sessions that are great! Many churches are offering online and new TV services for those at home now. Hotels along the Central Coast are providing rooms for all the people taking auto trips this summer. Check out the special rates being offered by car rental companies in your area. Keeping it simple right now is paramount to staying calm and flowing through these difficult challenges. Most important stay healthy, comply by wearing a mask, washing your hands, limiting your trips to shop, seperating from people to be safe. It's hard but we can do this as a nation and we must!!
Mesa Burger in Montecito - Chef Cat Cora Enjoy the online coverage of special events along the Central California Coast and throughout the country. Check out nice wine news from my local favorites and a new nonalcoholic German beer discovery by moi. Kudos to Adam's Angels in Santa Barbara story in Health Minded section focuses on community caring during the pandemic.
Adam's Angels Feeding the Needy Pray for peace and I hope you all will join me in remembering our soldiers who are fighting in other countries, and pray for their safe return to their families. God bless them. May the great spirit of our Nation reign now and forever, and may our citizens find hope and prosperity for their families. Cordially,
Bonnie Carroll Publisher/Editor-in-Chief
______________________________________________________ Frittata di Fiori di Zucca Squash Flower Omelette Ingredients - 6 organic eggs
- Splash of milk, I use coconut - rice milk
- 1 small zucchini, grated
- 12 large squash flours
- A handful of chopped chives
- Sea salt and pepper to taste, I use gomasio instead of salt
- Extra virgin olive oil
Method Rinse squash flowers well, remove the outside points and inside piston. Clean well and tear in quarters. Crack the eggs open into a bowl, add a small splash of your choice of milk and a light swirl of olive oil. Whip slightly. Add the flowers and grated squash, then the chives. Add salt and pepper to taste. Stir well. Meanwhile, oil an omelet pan with a generous swirl of extra virgin olive oil and swirl it around so it covers the bottom of the pan. Place the pan on a very low heat. Move the pan so that the oil covers its entire bottom. Add the whipped egg mixture and let cook on a very very low heat for up to 45 minutes without stirring. Keep an eye on the edges of the omelette. When brown, flip the omlett on a plate and put the top side down into the pan. Let cook for another minute. Flip the pan back onto a clean plate, and serve with artisan homemade bread. Recipe from Loren CookingVacations.com. ____________________________________________________________________ LBN Staff Bonnie Carroll, Publisher/Editor writebc@aol.com Rosalie Frances, Contributor, tolifebites.com Mary Hilton, Content Contributor/Marketing Director Maryehilton2000@aol.com Cody Chandler, Teen Times Columnist tolifebites@aol.com Mike OConnell, Photo/Video Director/Contributor
tolifebites@aol.com Isabella D'Angelo, Rome Correspondent tolifebites@aol.com Natasha Melikoff, Montreal Correspondent Additional contributing writers are included on an individual issue basis. Please contact the editor with questions regarding journalist assignments. Email: writebc@aol.com LBN Offices 2115 De La Vina Street, Ste 31 Santa Barbara, CA 93105 805-845-9976 Email contact preferred please