"Don't look or wait for love. Generate it. Love has got to know your spiritual address before it can show up in your life. When you generate love, it's like a neon sign proclaiming, 'I AM love!' Let us choose to live in love today!" ~ Michael Bernard Beckwith LETTER FROM THE PUBLISHER
December 2018 Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays 
Dear Life Bites Readers,
We wish you a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays. We have some great traditional recipes and fun family destinations for December, along with some wonderful reviews on European & US dining hot spots. Much of this issue is filled with travel, food, entertainment event and spa stories covering national and international destinations for your consideration. Our Holiday Gift guide has some great gift ideas for friends and family, and visit "Health Minded" to read inspiring tips on how to deal with grief over loved ones during a season that is filled with reminders of happy past times. Also, enjoy coverage of the wonderful Thanksgiving Feast at the Santa Barbara Rescue Mission.
The December hotel/chef profile Dvorak Hotel in Cesky Krumlov will take you to a magical kingdom in the Czech Republic, where amazing historic food and views fill your heart with pleasure. Spa Baby has news on Blue Train Africa pleasures, and Health Minded offers helpful health reports and tips.
Hotel Dvorak, Cesky Krumlov
January brings the Golden Globes, and the Oscar Movie lovers are all talking about all the hot films being considered for the 89th Oscars on February 28th. Oscar Fun and Food are always on our menu of film fun. Stars will walk the red carpet in February at the Santa Barbara International Film Festival. For details visit www.sbiff.org. See story on Hugh Jackman who was honored with 14th Kirk Douglas Award in Santa Barbara on November 19, 2018.

Hugh Jackson Receives SBIFF Kirk Douglas Award in Santa Barbara Sips has some great wine and cocktail ideas for gift giving and bringing in the New Year, along with appetizer and dessert creations. Special travel reports on fun destinations for the New Year. See story on holiday food in Culinary Coup and kids fun in our Kids K section. Chef Armstrong, Sheraton Grand Seattle makes life size gingerbread houses for charity at Christmas.
Blue Train Africa
We are all looking forward to the Macy's Christmas Parade that will feature the amazing Snoopy float. I always enjoy the lighting event at Rockefeller Center in New York and especially love Joachim Splichal's "Rock" Restaurant overlooking the ice rink. The festivities in my own Santa Barbara home town by the sea are perculating and it looks like a 'wonderful Christmas' parade and festivities for everyone here and around the Nation.
I hope you will join us in remembering our soldiers fighting in foreign lands and pray for their safe return to their families. God bless them, and God bless America in these challenging times. May the flag of freedom fly now and forever. Please continue to pray for peace. Joyous Noel to you, your family and dear friends. Thank you to all who contribute to LBN, and to the many readers who have supported us - keep coming back. LBN will celebrate its 14th birthday in January 2019. Cordially, 
Bonnie Carroll Publisher/Editor LBN DECEMBER PARTY IDEAS  See our gift section for giving ideas. Culinary Coup & Sips Sections for Food & Wine ideas.