Many in the Santa Barbara area were stunned to hear the news that Prince Harry and Meghan Markle purchased a huge estate formerly owned by a Russian businessman in Montecito and had been living in their midst for a month without any notice. The Duke and Duchess of Sussex, who recently left the royal family, bought a private family home in Montecito, California in early June with plans to put down permanent roots and bring up their one-year-old son Archie. Prince Harry and his family will now be living in close proximity to friends Oprah Winfrey and Ellen DeGeneres, as well as an A+ list of Hollywood writers, producers, directors, and actors. Montecito resident, actress, author, film maker Leslie Zemeckis who will be a neighbor of the young family shared “I think they have chosen a special piece of paradise to call their home. I hope like the rest of us they find peace and privacy between the mountains and the sea.” 
March 1, 1983: Queen Elizabeth II and President Ronald Reagan chat at Santa Barbara airport before a visit to the Reagans’ hilltop ranch. This photo was published in the March 2, 1983, Los Angeles Times. (George Rose / Los Angeles Times) The Santa Barbara area has always been a favorite of visiting royalty and heads of state. HRH Queen Elizabeth visited the city by the sea as a guest of President Ronald Reagan and First Lady Nancy Reagan during his Presidency. During Prince William and Kate Middleton's US Tour the Prince participated in the Audi at the Foundation Polo Challenge at Santa Barbara Polo Club.

Prince William and Kate Middleton Arriving at SB Polo Club Audi at the Foundation olo Challenge Former Daily Mail royal correspondent Richard Mineards, who has done reporting in London, Manhattan, Los Angeles KTLA and is now society correspondent for the Montecito Journal, said: 'I've been predicting for months that Harry would come here because polo will be one of the attractions. 'This is a rarefied enclave and we're used to celebrities here. We treat them with deference. It is the perfect place to raise Archie, and Meghan seems to like the bohemian lifestyle, so she'll enjoy it here. 'As they integrate slowly into the community, everyone will want to meet them, of course, but it won't be tug of the forelock stuff – we'll give them their space.' Tim Pinkevich, who works for Grishin and signed off on the sale of the property for him, last night told the Mail that he could not talk about the sale because he had signed a confidentiality agreement. “This is the first home either of them has ever owned. It has been a special time for them as a couple and as a family — to have complete privacy for six weeks since they moved in. They intend to put down their roots in this house and the quiet community, which has considerable privacy. This is where they want to bring Archie up, where they hope he can have as normal a life as possible," according to a source for Page Six. 
Bonnie Carroll, LBN with Richard Mineards, Montecito Journal, Gaviota Conservancy event in 2019
During an interview with Catherine Remak on K-Lite 107.1 radio in Santa Barbara, Mineards shared “The Chateau” residence of the family would provide Prince Harry polo play opportunities at the Santa Barbara Polo Club, which welcomed Prince William and Kate during their past visit to Santa Barbara. “Harry is a friend of the Ralph Lauren Polo model who is an active member of the SB Polo Club and I feel he will astride a horse and play. "Santa Barbara is much more charming than Beverly Hills. Prince Charles may be helping them with this venture, but they have a B of A mortgage for the enclave that will require approximately $300,000 annual budget for staff.” On living a normal life Mineards said “Little Archie is 15 months old and we may see Harry on the beach playing with his baby. Montecito has fine schools for Archie to attend,” he said.
“I’m Royal friendly, have covered them for 45 years, and now find myself living in my cottage in Montecito right near them.” While covering the Royals for the Daily Mail and Daily Mirror ss a Royal correspondent Mineards interviewed Prince Charles at his polo club on a weekly basis and described him as charming and dashing driving up in his Aston Martin Virage Volante convertible. Mineards said he was attracted to journalism because his father was an editor on the Daily Express, and he always liked writing, gossip, and is a master at the art of punnery. Santa Barbara residents have come to love his quick wit and fun commentary on local people, places, and things For the latest updates on Prince Harry, Meghan & little Archie from Royal Correspondent Richard Mineards visit Montecito Journal. _____________________________________________________________________ 
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