BOOK BITES . . .  
We recommend both quite highly! The Goddess of Warsaw by Lisa Barr was recommended by Santa Barbara Book Maven Leslie Zemeckis and it is a fantastic read! Love is served was created by a Mexican Chef who is well know to Mexican food lovers, a guy the late Barbara Hanson would have adored. I buy my books at Chaucer's Books in Santa Barbara! ♦ ♦ ♦ ART & HISTORY . . . LA FIESTA PEQUENA 2024 A CENTENNIAL DREAM COME TRUE Story and Photos by Bonnie Carroll Zermeno Dance Academy Following years of challenges as a result of Covid, the Old Spanish Days Fiesta historic and beloved La Pequena 2024 Centennial production attracted thousands to the Old Mission Santa Barbara for the official opening of Old Spanish Days Fiesta, and was viewed by as many on KEYT 3. It has been touted by countless viewers and attendees as the best La Pequena ever! 2024 El Presidente Brian Schwabecher & Event Chair/La Presidente 2017 Rhone Ledson Henderson
Event Chair/La Presidente 2017 Rhonda Ledson Henderson brought a collection of amazing performers to the nights program that worked together and independently to provide an evening that was truly brilliant from the opening with long-time La Pequena singer Irma Segura with Mariachi Divas, Las Ninos De Las Flories, a welcome from Father Joe Schwab, OFM, President of Old Mission Santa Barbara and Beth Farnsworth, Anchor, News Chanel 3, Brian Schwabecher El Presidente 2024 and City of Santa Barbara Mayor Randy Rowse. World Renowned Flamenco Dancers Timo Nunez & Maria Bermudez
A special Chumash blessing was given by Ernestine Ygnaero-De Soto followed by the Garcia Dancers, Ballet Folklorico Bell Arts, Spirit of Fiesta 2024 Georgey Taupin, Avellana Studios Dancers, OSDF Histories Video, 2024 Saint Barbara Caroline Wedderburn, Pivo Flamenco, Group Folklorico Cielito Lindo, Zermeno Dance Academy, Grupo Folklorico West LA, Junior Spirit 2024 Alleenah Soriano, Xochipilli De Santa Barbara, Maria Bermudez Flamenco, Pasion by world renowend Timo Nunez with Maria Bermudez, Dance Folklorico Quetzalcoatl, Melody Hilario, and Alma De Mexico of Santa Barbara.
The grand finale of La Pequena 2024 was a spectacular dance by past Spirits of Fiesta honoring their 75th year that included Maria Bermudez and Daniela Zermeno Sanchez as artistic directors. Mary Pressley Petrelli & Angelo Petrelli
The Fiesta had its first El Presidente in 1925, during the second year of its celebration. During the very beginning first stages Mr. Charles Pressley was executive director, orchestrating every aspect of the kick-off celebration. Charles Pressley's daughter Mary Pressley Petrelli and her husband Angelo Petrelli flew in from Delaware to attend this years 100th celebration and honor Charles Pressley's contributions. To date there have been 77 La Presidentes of Old Spanish Days Fiesta! Las Ninos De La Flores 2024 & Mariachi Divas
The Centennial La Pequena honored beloved Father Virgil Cordano OFM, who was part of the Old Spanish Days Fiesta tradition for over a half century, as well as the extraordinary talent of Kathy Cota, Rose Marie Cruz, Linda Vega, and Spirits of Fiesta from 1949 to present and Junior Fiesta's from 1965 to present. This Old Spanish Days Fiesta evening was such a special and touching historic celebration of everything wonderful about Fiesta! Kudos to La Pequina Committee members, Rhonda Ledson Henderon, Chair and David Boltin, Kristina Cabral, Elva Cosio, Rilley Harwood, Casie Kilgore, Jeff Martin, Missy Pulido, and Donna Weidl the OSDF board, all the helpful volunteers, and all the generous sponsors like Jordano's for an unforgettable evening that will live on forever in Santa Barbara's heart and history books. Viva la Fiesta! Spectacular Old Spanish Days Fiesta Parade Horses Viva La Fiesta!
♦ ♦ ♦ ART & COMMUNITY . . . 
Molly Kemper & Shannon Sik, AFP Board - Kristina Caulkins, Executive Director Lynda Fairly Arts Center The Lynda Fairly Carpinteria Arts Center hosted a recent event sponsored by Association for Fundraising Professionals Santa Barbara/Ventura Chapters in the beautiful and artistic outdoor patio of the Carpinteria neighborhood art center. 
Juli Askew, AFP/The SB Symphony - Joni Downy, Development Director LFAC with Margaret Saavedra, President and Board Members City of Santa Barbara Sister Sister Commitee Members Jill Stassinos (Weihai, China), Alicia Sorkin and Bonnie Carroll (Puerto Vallarta, Mexico) Guests were treated to tours of the art collection in Lynda Fairly Carpinteria Arts Center as well as delicious refreshments and networking with many members of the successful non-profit organization that fosters friendship and valuable information sharing on the art of successful fundraising. 
Lynda Fairly Center Overflows with Artwork Executive Direcor Kristina Calkins made introductions and welcomed guests to view the beautiful art in the community center, while charming board members from AFP served refreshments and provided information to new potential members and shared the mission of their local and national organization. The neighborhood art center provides art lessions, special events, senior activities and a beautiful exhibition area where local artists display and sell their art creations including paintings, sculptures and jewelry art. 
The Association of Fundraising Professionals Santa Barbara/Ventura offers memberships to benefit individuals and their organizations. The joint event at Lynda Fairly Carpinteria Art Center prpovided a lively and fun opportunity for guests to mingle and network in the upbeat artistic venue, while focusing on the importance of successful fundraising required for all area non-profit organizations. Visit Association for Fundraising Professionals online for additional information. AFPSBV is an honored recipient of the Ten Star Gold Chapter award which recognizes accomplishments of chapters working toward AFP's Strategic Plan. Fewer than 20 percent of AFP's 243 chapters earned the Ten Star Gold Chapter recognition making AFPSBV one of the association's leading chapters around the world. For Lynda Fairly Carpinteria Arts Center information visit: carpinteria or call 805-684-7789. ♦ ♦ ♦ ________________________________________________________ 
Hotel Californian 1925 Earthquake THE BIG SANTA BARBARA EARTHQUAKE REMEMBERED Ten months from today – June 29, 2025 – will be the 100th anniversary of the great Santa Barbara earthquake of 1925. One of the most widely published photos of the quake was the Hotel Californian, 35 State Street. "Good buildings stood, poor ones revealed their weakness. The California Hotel [sic], a frame structure, with brick walls, was stripped of its walls because they were not properly fastened to the frame, and all the interior was revealed to view as if for some scene in the movies." – Santa Cruz Evening News, July 2, 1925 SEE MORE INFO ABOUT EARTHQUAKE EVENTS NEXT YEAR IN SANTA BARBARA AT EQ25.ORG. Betsy J. Green is a member of the founding board of