Fun new book by Jess and Stef Dadon

#HOW TWO LIVE - 36 SERIOUSLY COOL HOW-TO PROJECTS ON STYLE NAIL ART, BLOGGING AND MORE Just like your bestie, #howtwolive has your back when it comes to working out how to wear clashing prints, planning killer festival outfits, tips for nailing nail art and how to become the next bloging superstar. Tap into 36+ projects on how to live and how to do it in style. US $19.99 ____________________________________________________________________ THE WRONG DOG By David Elliot Cohen 
From David Elliot Cohen, the multi-New York Times bestselling author of One Year Off, The Wrong Dog is the heartwarming, often hilarious, story of Simba II, a mischievous white Labrador puppy brought home by accident. US $22.95
___________________________________________________________________ LIFE BITES NEWS MUSIC . . . NEW RELEASE BY JEROME JORDANO
Not Going Home (Without You) 
Santa Barbara local Jerome Jordano blindsided friends and associates with the release this month of his new CD "Not Going Home (without you). Available on CDBaby, ITunes and more. Please visit for full information on artist bio. These poignant songs are about love, longing, hopes, and fears. They are sand and sea memories embraced in song, which can be traced to the songwriter's history of living on the coast of California. Positive, hopeful expressions are the focus of this first album. Every woman on the planet will relate to and love Jerome's authentic and true to heart musical journeys. What a talented musician and singer, and what a delightful surprise - check it out!