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BOOKBITES October 2008


by Darina Allen (Author)

Darina Allen's Ballymaloe Cooking School Cookbook by Darina AllenDarina Allen, one of Ireland's most renowned chefs, was honored by the Monterey Aquarium “Cooking for Solutions” as Sustainable Chef of the Year in 2008. She is the author of Sarina Allen’s Ballymaloe Cooking School Cookbook and the founder of the aclaimed cooking school of the same name. Certificate courses of 12 weeks begin December 31 through March 21. For Ballymaloe Cookery School Course Schedule 2008 visit www.cookingisfun.ie.

“Pieces of My Heart” Available at Book Stores Now

Pieces of My Heart by Robert WagnerI admit that I have been hopelessly in love with Robert Wagner for most of my life. In the 1980s he kissed me in Michael’s Restaurant and I barely touched the ground for such a long time, and years later he kissed my hand in front of the Beverly Hills Hotel. This man has style and grace that is old Holltywood, and he has a kindness of spirit that makes him so unique. The Robert Wagner long-awaited autobiography "Pieces of My Heart," written with Scott Eyman, is officially in book stores now. It is full of interesting showbiz stories and insights. I am enjoying mine, and recommend you run out and get yours. Wagner’s friendly way of looking at the big picture of Tinsel Town is a classic and worth the read.

Robert Wagner has worked with countless iconic headliners, including Spencer Tracy, Audrey Hepburn, Laurence Olivier, John Ford, Sophia Loren, James Cagney, Paul Newman, Fred Astaire, Blake Edwards, Steve McQueen and Elizabeth Taylor, and more.Many of those he didn't work with were good pals, This is a colorful look at the 58 years he spent in the movie business. He also discusses for the first time the drowning death of wife Natalie Wood in 1981 and reveals a secret: romantic relationship with Barbara Stanwyck, who was his co-star in the 1953 "Titanic."  The book is available in book stores and online at Amazon.com.

How to really write for television

The TV Drama Writer's RoomIf you're familiar with episodic television, you've heard about the mysteries of "the room." The writers' room is where it all happens -- where the top minds in Hollywood get together and create everything from Nip/Tuck to The Simpsons. But until you actually get on a show, you will never have the one vital bit of experience you need: breaking a story in the room. Until now. This class will recreate the authentic experience of a professional writers' room to give you the feel of what it's really like to work in the television industry.

In this workshop, you will learn:

  • How to write to the act break and use timing and rhythm to keep an audience tuned in
  • How to convey the voices of the established characters
  • How to get your ideas heard
  • What goes into a beat sheet
  • How to know if a story works

Click here to learn more and register.

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