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BOOKBITES  .  .  .

“Dragons on the Purple Moon”

Peter G. Martin Releases 2nd Edition at Santa Barbara Club

By Bonnie Carroll


Peter G. Martin & Kathryn R. Martin at 2nd Edition Release Luncheon

It was such a pleasure to attend the 2nd edition release of Peter G. Martin’s book Dragons on the Purple Moon held in the beautiful dining room of the Santa Barbara Club, where a bevy of friends, authors and special guests enjoyed Peter’s story on how his adorable book came to be.

The children’s picture book, which became a #1 international best seller on Amazon in five countries is perfect for children up to nine years old and according to the author “it makes a great gift for anyone with young children in their life.”

Martin led a multi-million-dollar aerospace programs with a Fortune 100 company and decided to take an early retirement following his son’s successful battle with brain cancer in 2019.

Emcee, SBC President Lynda Nahra & Peter G. Martin at Podium

His passion to help children and adults connect with their own imagination and creativity was the impetus for Dragons on the Purple Moon the first of many adventures Peter is creating to bring happiness to children; especially those with cancer.

The author is donating 100% of the proceeds of his book to Teddy Bear Cancer Foundation in Santa Barbara, an organization that provides financial, educational, and emotional support to families that have a child with cancer.

I can hardly wait to see the happiness this sweet book brings to my own great grandchildren and look forward to reading it with them.

To order a personalized copy for children in your life or donate multiple books to hospitals, libraries, schools or TBCF you can contact www.peterGmartin.com or

Amazon: www.amazon.com/dp/B0999Q5QW4.







  Through the Eyes of Vincent Van Gogh


This was the first major art exhibition following two years of pandemic panic and health restrictions. It was delightful to see the amazing response from community members and visiting tourists throughout the beautifully curated story of Van Gogh's life and artistic friends throughout Europe.


From books, masterpiece paintings of friends, a complete history of destinations Van Gogh lived in and the friends he made, who were his painting associates and friends it was a fascinating and most interesting exhibition that certainly pleased visitors.

It was thrilling to see all these masterpieces in on place and know how connected these great artists were as they traveled their road to artistic glory. So many gorgeous paintings, sculptures, drawings, etchings, personal items, books and more that told the tale of the life of Van Gogh.

If any Van Gogh exhibition is traveling to a city near you try to gift yourself a precious afternoon viewing these priceless masterpieces. I loved it!

For information please visit www.sbma.org.


music news    .     .     .

OperaSB presents an open rehearsal in the Santa Barbara Courthouse Gardens

OperaSB Traviata Open Rehearsal title=    

Experience amazing voices and the thrilling sound of the Opera Santa Barbara Orchestra while enjoying a picnic with friends and family at the Santa Barbara Courthouse Gardens on Sunday, June 5 at 2:30pm.

Opera Santa Barbara presents a free live preview of their upcoming production of Verdi's La Traviata. Soprano Anya Matanovich, tenor Nathan Granner, and Baritone Joel Balzun sing some of the best known tunes in opera accompanied by the 35-member Opera Santa Barbara Orchestra conducted by Kostis Protopapas.

Admission is free. Invite your friends, bring the kids, the pups, and the snacks!
Please bring blankets that are breathable.
No plastic underlining or yoga mats. Low lawn chairs are fine. For tickets visit www.osb.org.

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© 2008 Bonnie Carroll, All Rights Reserved