“SOME DAY IT WILL MATTER” By Suzanne Geimer & Kelly Geimer Lance Every kid in trouble needs a special angel . . . We all have it in us to be one! 
Suzanne Geimer and her daughter Kelly Geimer-Lance were the center of attraction at Chaucer’s Bookstore this month in Santa Barbara during their book signing of “Some Day It Will Matter”. This book shares their family story and is an inspiring example of the vital part communication and finding solutions can play in working through serious teen problems. Suzanne is the Founder and President of Special Angel, a nonprofit organization created as a result of her mother/daughter journey. Special Angel’s mission is one of helping children in distress. This talented duo travels throughout the US singing and working with at risk kids by sharing their own story and their great music. They produced a CD “Turn on the Radio” which features the songs they have written and performed together. For information visit: www.specialangel.com. John Walmsley, former child star on the Walton’s TV show is the musical director for the Special Angel Band and has performed with Suzanne and Kelly for many years. “It is really touching to see the power of this musical journey we are taking together, and watching the kids react to Suzanne and Kelly is simply amazing” says Walmsley. For information visit www.specialangel.com.
STARSHINE ROCHELL . . . 20TH CENTURY ERMA BOMBECK The new book "Wife on the Edge" Candid Columns From the Brink by Starshine Rochell is a compilation of her wonderful columns and more. I just adore Starshine's take on life, being a mother and wife. Humor has taken many of us through the worst situations in family life, and Rochell describes her own with such fun and style that you can only smile or laugh your way out of feeling like the only mom losing your mind trying to cover all that it takes to be a together wife and mom. For information visit: Amazon.com __________________________________________________________________