WHEELS . . . COMMUNITY SHARES IN THE AMERICAN SPIRIT OF PIERRE CLAEYSSENS ANNUAL VETERANS DAY AT SANTA BARBARA CEMETERY By Bonnie Carroll Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 1649 and Pierre Claeyssens Veterans Foundation joined forces for the 2024 Santa Barbara Community Veterans Day Ceremony at the Santa Barbara Cemetery, 901 Channel Drive. Attendees arrived early before 11:00 a.m. to enjoy presentations and performances by the UCSB Color Guard, Gold Coast Pipe & Drum Band, David Gonzales and the Santa Barbara Choral Society, and The Prime Time Band. The ceremony concluded with a flyover by The Condor Squadron. Featured keynote speaker was US Army veteran Brooks Firestone, former County Supervisor, State Assemblyman, and local businessman. Also, on the speakers panel was Lieutenant Colonel Tim Downing, Department Chairman UC Santa Barbara Army ROTC Surfrider Battalion. The cemetery’s driveway was decorated with dozens of American flags, along with flags marking the graves of fellow citizens who gave their lives in the service of their country. The ceremony took place near the main flagpole, with nearly 500 guests in attendance. The beloved National holiday, Veterans Day, celebrates the service of all U.S. military veterans. It was originally known as Armistice Day in the U.S. and coincides with other holidays including Armistice Day and Remembrance Day which are celebrated in other countries that mark the anniversary of the end of World War I. This event honors the dedication, service and bravery of local men and women who served in the four branches of the U.S. armed forces. For more information, please go to: https://www.pcvf.org/veterans-day-ceremony This is an event so many Santa Barbara residents look forward to and one that always brings the community together in a spirit of love and American pride. In attendance are many countless local veterans, city and state officials, police and sheriff’s and a huge crowd of families and friends of veterans. It is a day that I look forward to personally in remembering my own father who served as a US Marine through the entirety of the Pacific Campaign of WWII; a man who loved America and gave me an unstoppable spirit to protect the land I love. The co-presenters of this year’s event was The VFW with Pierre Claeyssens Veterans Foundation; The VFW was established to assist veterans. VFW’s mission is to foster camaraderie among United States veterans of overseas conflicts and to serve our veterans, the military and our communities and advocate on behalf of all veterans. The purposes of the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States are fraternal, patriotic, historical, charitable, and educational; to preserve and strengthen comradeship among its members; to assist worthy comrades; to perpetuate the memory and history of our deceased, and to assist their surviving spouses and orphans; to maintain true allegiance to the Government of the United States of America, and fidelity to its institutions of American freedom, and to preserve and defend the United States from all her enemies. The Pierre Claeyssens Veterans Foundation is committed to honoring the men and women who have served in U.S. military efforts. PCVF does this by supporting veterans and active-duty members, and related partner organizations, in Santa Barbara and Ventura counties as well as preserving military history and legacy. The Foundation works to uphold Pierre Claeyssens’s vision that those who have served are “Never Forgotten.” PCVF is funded entirely by private donations. For more information, visit www.pcvf.org or call (805) 259-4394.
_______________________________________________________________________ EQ25 Launches New Website Commemorating Earthquake’s 100th Anniversary .png)
EQ25 is a volunteer organization created to commemorate events and activities of the 100thanniversary of the Santa Barbara earthquake. Californian Hotel 1925 Quake The EQ25 Alliance has launched a new website, EQ25.org, designed to be a dynamic website, updated regularly with resources, news and opportunities related to the commemoration of the 100th anniversary of the historic event. June 29, 2025, will mark 100 years since the great Santa Barbara earthquake of 1925. Recently, members of various community organizations in Santa Barabara came together and formed the EQ25 Alliance, a community wide effort to promote the commemoration of this epic event in Santa Barbara’s history. The new EQ25.org website is an important step towards the EQ25 Alliance’s goal of promoting informative and entertaining programs, events, exhibitions, and community gatherings. EQ25.org serves as a clearinghouse for information about events related to the centennial of the earthquake and will be updated regularly. In addition, EQ25.org includes a collection of historic photographs and resources for those interested in the history of the earthquake and its aftermath. EQ25.org also includes a Mission Statement and list of Participants in the EQ25 Alliance, as well as contact information. A separate page acknowledges to contributions of local sponsors. The 1925 earthquake and its aftermath transformed Santa Barbara. After the 1925 earthquake, Santa Barbarans rolled up their sleeves and rebuilt this City in ways that endowed it with a unique urban and architectural character. The civic effort involved in rebuilding Santa Barbara is inspirational and merits celebration. The EQ25.org website is designed to support this community wide effort. The EQ25 Alliance was created to promote informative and entertaining programs, events, exhibitions, and community gatherings. The EQ25 Alliance believes that a greater understanding of the history of Santa Barbara is an effective way to increase awareness of present conditions and opportunities and to prepare for future challenges. A coordinating committee formed several months ago to create the EQ25.org site and will be working to create special events and communicate the upcoming plans to remember and celebrate the history surrounding this shattering community event as well as the outstanding changes that happened following this disaster. EQ25.org Committee Formed 2024
Visit site for contact, event, calendar participation and information.
www.EQ25.org ____________________________________________________