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Los Angeles Disney Center Breakfast with Santa

Special menu - The Music Center Dec 20-22

Descanso Grdens Dec 20-21

For reservations: www.patinagroup.com 

facebook Patina Restaurant Group, Twitter @patina_group


Many parents struggle to find a way to get their

Gluten-Free kids to take medicine.

Herešs a Tip:  Improve The Flavor

In a national survey of U.S. parents of school-age children (ages 4-13), almost 40% report that it isn't always easy to give their children over-the-counter liquid cough/cold medicines. One third (34%) of parents believe the taste of the medicine impacts how easy it is to give their child the recommended dose, with one in four (24%) saying their child often complains that liquid medicines taste bad.

Introducing Dr. Cocoa, the first-ever line of patented over-the-counter cough and cold medicines formulated with trusted, effective ingredients and 10% real cocoa for real chocolate taste.

Dye-, alcohol- and gluten-free, the new Dr. Cocoa line is available in three formulas that combine trusted, effective ingredients with 10% real cocoa for a real chocolate flavor:

ˇ       Dr. Cocoa for Children Long-Acting Cough Relief is for the non-drowsy, temporary relief of coughing due to minor throat and bronchial irritations as may occur with a cold. Intended for use in children ages 4 -13

ˇ       Dr. Cocoa for Children Daytime Cough+Cold Relief is for the non-drowsy, temporary relief of cough due to minor throat and bronchial irritation as may occur with a cold, along with nasal congestion.  Indicated for use in children ages 4-13; use in children under the age of 6 should be on the advice of a doctor

ˇ       Dr. Cocoa for Children Nighttime Cough+Cold Relief temporarily relieves sneezing, itchy nose or throat, cough due to minor throat and bronchial irritation as may occur with a cold, nasal congestion, runny nose, and itchy, watery eyes, while helping your child to rest.  Intended for use in children ages 6-13.

Dr. Cocoa for Children is available online at drugstore.com and available on shelves at all major food, drug, and mass merchant retailers nationwide.


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