by Cody Chandler Hilton
Barnes & Noble Bookstore has some great new books for kids this year. The Harry Potter Books are a favorite of mine, and they have a collection that includes something for every age and so many different subjects. Go to your nearest Barnes and Noble and check it out.
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The Chronicles
of Narnia |
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Harry Potter Paperback Boxed Set (Books 1-6)
by J. K. Rowling

A Fire-Breathing Fave Hits the Big Screen!
In Hardcover
A Guide to help Achieve Good Health for America's
Overweight Youth
Chef Harry Schwartz gives parents of obese children some help in overcoming a problem that is facing the nation. This fantastic guide to help overweight kids in America was written by this talented TV chef who was once an overweight kid himself. Chef Harry is dedicated to helping kids overcome their weight problems with his wonderful program and the recipes in his book.
According to statatistics in the US 30% of kids (6-11) are currrently overweight and 15% are obese. These children are endanger of juvinile diabetes, asthma and hypertension. For information on the Harry Schwartz book visit:
Allow Card Prepaid MasterCard Designed Exclusively for Kids
Introduced Nationally
~Allow Card takes concept of allowance and updates it for 21st century~
In response to a growing epidemic of financial illiteracy among the nation's youth, Allow Card of America, Inc., today unveiled the Allow Card, a prepaid MasterCard Card issued by MetaBank created specifically for kids and teens. The Allow Card prepaid MasterCard is part of a larger system featuring online account controls and tools, as well as financial lessons and interactive games designed to teach fiscal responsibility to America's youth.
The Allow Card prepaid MasterCard is aimed primarily at youth --and is geared toward helping them get a grasp of their allowance and finances, establish a better sense of trust with their parents and learn valuable life lessons, while still giving them financial independence. Further, the personalized Allow Card prepaid MasterCard is accepted at millions of locations that accept MasterCard debit cards, making it a convenient way to pay for everyday items.
Parents will have a better way to give and track allowance monies using this hands-on financial training tool, and our youth will have a better way to pay for their needs that is safer than carrying money.
The heart of the Allow Card prepaid MasterCard program is its online portal, From there, parents can load finances to the Allow Card prepaid MasterCard from any credit card or checking account, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. That way, teens are assured access to their allowance when they need it. Because of the nature of the debit system, teens can't over spend their account and rack up debt. Another feature ...The Allow Card prepaid MasterCard has NO overdraft fees.
The website offers over 35 parental controls, allowing parents to set parameters for their teens spending. The site even allows parents to lock out specific merchant categories, so teens can't spend money at undesired locations
The website also features a variety of constantly-updated online financial lessons and games to break the bonds of financial illiteracy among youth. After successful completion of monthly lessons, areas of a virtual gaming world are unlocked for the teens to explore.
"A number of studies have shown that our youth are inadequately prepared for financial responsibilities once they leave home. We believe it's vital to get parents and teens on the same page about finances," said Allow Card of America's Chief Executive Officer, Marla Beans. "That's why we developed our website as part of the overall Allow Card program. It's a place where both parents and teens can check the status of accounts, as well as a site where teens can learn about finances. This is an excellent way for parents, teens and preteens to develop a sense of trust as they talk about money situations."
For more information about the Allow Card prepaid MasterCard, log onto (
Meta Payment Systems, a division of MetaBank, offers card issuing and program support to banks, processors, and third-party distributors seeking to develop, market and manage prepaid debit cards. Meta Financial Group, Inc. (NASDAQ NM: CASH) is the holding company for MetaBank.