by Cody Hilton
A picnic can be fun for the whole family in summer, especially at the beach. Once we were having a picnic on the beach in Santa Barbara and a small sea lion got lost and came right up to our blanket. My mom helped it find it's way back to the water. They say sea lions have very bad eye sight, and cannot see where they are going. It made my mom happy to help this little guy.
Flying a kite is also fun at the beach. The wind can take them so high, and you really need strong string and you need to hang on or you lose them. There are great books on making kites and you can actually make your own kite, and put your initials on it.
In Santa Barbara you can rent a bicycle that is a carriage and the whole family can ride in it up and down Ocean Boulevard, where all the artists show their work. Fishing is fun for a family too. I have gone out fishing with my uncle to fish in the ocean and we caught some big fish, and that's no story.
What ever you do this summer have fun, and I'll see you next month.
Thanks for reading the column.
Cody Hilton