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By Carol L. Doyel –

Yesterday as I was hiking and talking to the Lord as I often do when I’m walking or running – praying, seeking and listening, I was mulling something over that had happened the day before that threw me off, causing me to question my work and my calling, and if what I’m doing is really making a difference. Then came doubt and fear…all within a matter of minutes.

I felt a sense of discouragement from one simple turn of events. I had been working hard and was experiencing some success on a number of projects, and then with one email I began to question my work and purpose. As I thought about it more, the word “momentum” came to mind and I realized that is what I had been experiencing before the incident that brought everything to a stop, so to speak.

Unfortunately, when we lose our momentum it can take days, or for some people, it can take much longer to get it back. One moment you’re moving forward with ease, and the next thing you know you’re almost paralyzed. We all know someone who because of discouragement or rejection gave up on their dreams and goals in life.

What I mean by momentum is the experience of forward movement – that can create inertia in our work, creative projects, artistic focus, a business initiative, really anything that we are focused and working on.

I looked up the word momentum and found at dictionary.com that one of the meanings is “driving power or strength”, and part of the Latin meaning is “movement, moving power”. As I read further about “Momentum in Science” it went on about velocity and other concepts that gave me a deeper understanding of the word. What I found particularly interesting is the scientific description included the following definition:

“Momentum is a conserved quantity (it remains constant unless acted upon by an outside force), and is related by Noether’s theorem to translational invariance.”

And there it is, in the middle of the sentence in parenthesis, the very thing that caused me to lose my momentum – “an outside force” – that threatened or caused me to lose my momentum. Now, I know there are times that we need to slow down, pause and think about things, to make sure that we’re on the right course and seeking God for direction, but that is different from outside distractions that can keep us from doing what we are called to do.

In some cases God will reveal if we need to adjust our course, but momentum is very important and can help when we are working on a project or initiative that requires a lot of focus or concentration.

A good example is when someone is doing research or working on an experiment in a lab, it is critical that they stay focused because when they are on to something, one thing can lead to another, which can lead to great discoveries – many of our great inventors, artists, researchers and entrepreneurs have experienced success due to momentum. I believe with movement, physical work, mental focus, problem solving, etc. that as one moves through challenges, set-backs, trials, failures and opposition, and they preserver, it can lead to momentum – a movement that is more resistant to outside forces or interference, because you are focused on the goal or objective.

Okay let me give you a good example, can you remember when you learned to ride a bike? Before learning how to actually ride the bike you probably started out by simply sitting on the seat, pushing off without peddling, but then if you tipped to far one way or another you fell off, or if you managed to get your balance and pushed a bit too hard on one peddle, you fell over. Each individual step could easily stop you if not done correctly until that glorious day came when you managed to put all of the movements together by jumping on, pushing off to get started, slinging your leg over just so, and managing to keep your balance you began to peddle, which sent you sailing down the sidewalk as your parents ran behind you shouting words of praise, then you hit that sweet spot – bingo – momentum, and you were off and riding in the wind.

This my friend is momentum – managing to get all of the steps figured out, the moves synchronized, and moving without the disturbances of external forces. Momentum brings confidence. Remember how proud you were the day you managed to accomplish all of the individual steps that allowed you to ride like the wind? That same process applies to your work, business, calling-ministry and life.

A friend called me recently to share about a dream she had where God revealed a painting technique to her, step-by-step, exactly how to do it. Previously her best effort at art was pretty dismal (she showed me her drawings). Immediately upon waking she wanted to go to the store to buy the art supplies she needed because she was so excited to get started while the revelation was fresh. The individual steps of the process was revealed to her but now it was up to her to start painting, and so she did and she didn’t stop painting for two months. She said she could have painted 24 hours a day, but she managed to stop to rest and eat, but the point is – what she experienced was momentum.

Momentum is what allows us to accomplish great things. When we’re experiencing momentum we must be careful not to get “caught off guard” by an outside force. We have to be sure to discern when God is calling us to pause versus external distractions that can cause us to doubt, question, or to quit. There will always be people in the world who will question our calling or naysayers who act as the devil’s advocate – often discouraging people from stepping out in faith and trying new things.

We have to be extremely careful about what we let into our sphere or “who” we let into our circle. It’s important to have trusted close friends, Jesus had three whom he confided in and spent intimate time with, and then a larger group of the 12 disciples who he taught and traveled with. We too need to have a few or maybe just one of two close friends whom we trust and can share our aspirations and dreams with. At times it may be necessary to keep them to yourself, I’m sure there are things that Jesus did not even share with Peter, James or John – until the Father instructed him to.

You must protect your dreams and not allow external forces to distract you or stop your momentum as your work and move forward in all that God has called you to do and be. Seek God with all of your heart, mind and strength and when He says to pause, slow down or stop, do so. There are times we must wait on the Lord before moving one step forward. When we wait upon the Lord, our strength will be renewed and we will mount up on wings like eagles, we will run and not grow weary, we will walk and not faint (Isaiah 40:31).

The enemy will do his best to distract you, detain you, and cause you to doubt your purpose here on earth. We must be faithful to accomplish the work that we’ve been given in the natural. My husband is a bridge builder and a structural iron worker – I am grateful that he is gifted and capable to accomplish the work he has been given to do, which I may add is very dangerous. Each of us have distinct gifts and innate abilities that allow us to do the work we were created to do.

Imagine if my friend who woke up with the revelation of how to paint, by the way her paintings are very anointed and beautiful, but if she had stopped to talk it over with a friend who might have questioned her instead of doing what God had showed her to do? That friend or “external force” might have kept her from doing what possibly could be her greatest calling in life. Thankfully she did not, instead she painted for two months and experienced incredible momentum that allowed her to complete a number of amazing paintings which she has numbered, named and is planning to have prints of each one made.

Whatever you are called to do, whether it’s building bridges, running a company, going to the ends of the earth to share the gospel, or maybe it’s to raise the best kids you can, I want to encourage you to get on your bike and ride like the wind – so you might also experience the kind of momentum that can catapult you to greatness!

Carol Doyle


Mind Over Manners: 5 Ways To Keep Your Temper In Check


ESPN reporter Britt McHenry is suspended after a video of her berating a towing company employee surfaced.  And on a Southwest Airlines flight, a passenger was removed for repeatedly jabbing her snoring seatmate with a pen.

Jacqueline Whitmore, an internationally-recognized etiquette expert, author and founder of The Protocol School of Palm Beach, says when our emotions takeover it’s a good time to take a step back before taking action. 

“In stressful situations, we tend to forget about our surroundings and focus more on how to get restitution without always thinking about the potential consequences,” she says.  “A bad situation can bring out the worst in even the most rational people.” 

Whitmore’s tips for gracefully handling stressful situations: 

-          Always be mindful of your surroundings. Cameras are everywhere these days. You never know who might be recording or taping you.  A bad situation can become much worse if it goes viral and the whole world sees it.  It can cost you your job, or worse, your personal reputation. Remember the Mitt Romney 47% incident, where a hidden camera recorded the GOP candidate’s comment that 47 percent of voters “are dependent upon government?”  Some people say it cost him the election. 

-          No one is above the law. When you work in a high level position, you carry that corporate brand with you even at off hours.  If you’re a high level figure you have to always act like it. Remember when Reese Witherspoon’s husband was arrested for DUI and she got out of the car yelling, “Do you know my name?”  You’re never above the law no matter who you are.    

-          Treat others like you’d like to be treated.  Unfortunately, in stressful situations, we lash out at people who don’t deserve to be treated that way.  Most of the time it’s not even the person’s fault.  For example, your food taking a long time to come out of the kitchen in a restaurant is usually not your waiter’s fault, but we tend to put the blame on him.  Or why yell at the gate agent because your flight takes a weather delay?  The golden rule is always treat people how you want to be treated. 

-          Find better ways of airing your grievances.  Instead of losing your cool and blowing up in public, find more productive ways of proving your point or getting results.  Take to Twitter and other social media platforms, send an email or write a letter to the company.  The worst thing you can do, especially these days, is make a scene or public disruption.  

-          Think before you speak.  Remember, what comes out of your mouth cannot be retracted.  Once it’s out there it’s always out there.  Think twice before you speak, even if emotions are running high.  Step back from the situation and take a deep breath before you open your mouth because words have the power to hurt more than anything else. 

For more helpful informtion when traveling visit: 




From the Editors of E - The Environmental Magazine

Dear EarthTalk: What is the best way to measure how close we are to the dreaded "point of no return" with climate change? In other words, when do we think we will have gone too far?

-- David Johnston, via EarthTalk.org

While we may not yet have reached the “point of no return”—when no amount of cutbacks on greenhouse gas emissions will save us from potentially catastrophic global warming—climate scientists warn we may be getting awfully close. Since the dawn of the Industrial Revolution a century ago, the average global temperature has risen some 1.6 degrees Fahrenheit. Most climatologists agree that, while the warming to date is already causing environmental problems, another 0.4 degree Fahrenheit rise in temperature, representing a global average atmospheric concentration of carbon dioxide (CO2) of 450 parts per million (ppm), could set in motion unprecedented changes in global climate and a significant increase in the severity of natural disasters—and as such could represent the dreaded point of no return.

Currently the atmospheric concentration of CO2 (the leading greenhouse gas) is approximately 398.55 parts per million (ppm). According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), the federal scientific agency tasked with monitoring the health of our oceans and atmosphere, the current average annual rate of increase of 1.92 ppm means we could reach the point of no return by 2042.

Environmental leaders point out that this doesn’t give us much time to turn the tide. Greenpeace, a leading environmental advocacy group, says we have until around 2020 to significantly cut back on greenhouse gas output around the world—to the tune of a five percent annual reduction in emissions overall—if we are to avoid so-called “runaway” climate change. “The world is fast approaching a 'point of no return' beyond which extremely dangerous climate change impacts can become unavoidable,” reports the group. “Within this time period, we will have to radically change our approach to energy production and consumption.”

In a recent lecture at Georgetown University, World Bank president Jim Yong Kim reported that whether we are able to cut emissions enough to prevent catastrophe likely depends on the policies of the world’s largest economies and the widespread adoption of so-called carbon pricing systems (such as emissions trading plans and carbon taxes). International negotiators meeting in Paris next December are already working to hammer out an agreement mandating that governments adopt these types of systems to facilitate emissions reductions. “A price on carbon is the single most important thing we have to get out of a Paris agreement,” Kim stated. “It will unleash market forces.”

While carbon pricing will be key to mitigating global warming, Greenpeace adds that stemming the tide of deforestation in the world’s tropical rainforests and beyond and adapting our food systems to changing climatic conditions and increasingly limited resources will also be crucial to the health of the planet.

Without additional mitigation, and even with adaptation, warming by the end of the 21st century will lead to high to very high risk of severe, widespread and irreversible impacts globally,” reports the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), an international group of leading climate experts convened by the United Nations to review and assess the most recent scientific, technical and socio-economic information on global warming. Indeed, there’s no time like the present to start changing our ways.

CONTACTS: NOAA, www.noaa.gov; World Bank, www.worldbank.org; Greenpeace, www.greenpeace.org; IPCC, www.ipcc.ch.


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